
I like the answers very much. You partially answered my take on it, but did not complete it. My answer: Privacy as a Principle. You mentioned privacy, but only in the practical sense: Google already knows a lot about you. It could be easily be retorted with, "So what the ____. Since they have some of my

Almost always it is elective courses, because they take you out of your usual zone. A reason why I still like browsing in libraries and used book stores than relying too much on Amazon.

This is such basic sense to almost everybody in Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, etc., it amazes me that there could be so many representatives against even a very watered down form of Health Care.

@Buster Friendly: Your comment was bang on, in the league of Bart Stupak's comment last night.

GHacks had a dreadfully easy hack to turn off hibernation ([]):

I'm still a sucker for the small, portable SyncExp, myself. The reasoning is that it is truly portable, so I added it to the autorun of my USB keys, so that my critical folders are always backed up, from PC to USB and back. The fact that it is miniscule in size, very quick, and copies files much faster than

Honestly, I've gone back to pencil and paper these past two years. The Canadian tax system is not so much simpler; there is simply not much room for extra deductions.

I learned this in 1980 by a friend's father, who fixed untold washers and dryers. Even then, before liquids and gels, he showed how much detergent was not getting used. In 30 years, I have never used more than a third the recommended dose.

I have to be a lot more careful now that I read more and more eBooks!

This is exactly why no industry can regulate or police itself. There is no incentive to do so.

Just in Time cannot learn principles or concepts well. Just in Case (I don't like this name) is the learning that you do in General. In order to prepare you for Just in Time or to increase flexibility and resilience in the world.

Read the dialogue on [] for really good discussion of statistics. I looked at the Obama recovery graph and saw thanks to flowingdata that it is a subset of the Bureau of Labor Statistics graph, and the two match, but context is very important and shows well there.

Google Alerts for specific topics, and a rotating variety of online, newspapers, and magazines.

They already have their 'gift' stores, but I suspect that there has been a gradual shift in hotels to having more toiletries available for purchase.

@vlatro: Thanks for the well-informed response, Vlatro.

Everyone procrastinates on different things. The stereotypical procrastinator does so with completing things. The ones we don't think about may not start a project that won't get completed quick enough, or will avoid getting in all the information, because that detracts from "getting Things Done." I know that I am

@infamousjre: Not all the tips Lifehacker receives are bug-free. Good idea though.

@Bruce Landwaster: You still have not addressed the merits of the study in question. the iastate study is a separate topic, and not relevant to the University of Toronto study. You have not said why, on scientific terms, you disagree with the study. Give me peer-reviewed to anecdote any day.

Depression is a mixed bag. I have long felt in my own case that it is both blessing and curse. Deep depression knocks my socks off and I am not capable of much, but I suspect empathy, generosity, and other kindness scales are possibly a bit higher in mildly depressed persons, because they are not content with the