Gross is Right! It was Harry Caray's open casket, Bill Murray in his Venkman Ghostbusters getup, and a Blu-Ray copy of 'The Razor's Edge'
Gross is Right! It was Harry Caray's open casket, Bill Murray in his Venkman Ghostbusters getup, and a Blu-Ray copy of 'The Razor's Edge'
I laughed so hard I shook. Then Pooped Myself. I have IBS.
Former Pilot Bang Ding Ow could be a smash hit. He's from Korea you know.
Be aware of the timeshare presentations. I won 2 of those types of 'free' trips only to be told I had to sit through a no pressure presentation. I went to one. 3 shady salespeople later I left, with my trip, and not so great accomodations. I did have to pay some taxes as well.
Don't Block My Shine.
Pete Rose had the under 10 1/2. He just can't catch a break.
Missed your post. I added 4/12/78. Is yours the Oregon St Prison '82 show?
Happy Birthday Mr Garcia!
At least he finally was on the right end of a good shot.
Paul Sullivan was taken off the Beat Monday Night.
As a graduate of the University of Arizona I can happily say I have no idea what you are talking about.
Luk Reel Dum
Hey Now, He's a Rockstar, so lay off. It's not like he killed people or anything.
It certainly tops #77. When Villar successfully got to third base with his obese high school sweetheart Fupa Chalupa.
On my way to a work-sponsored 'Happy Hour' Is there anything worse than this? Aside from being unemployed I say no. Also it is my day off.
I am a fish novice. I fed the fish this morning. Upon telling my wife this she told me that she already had fed them. So are they totally dead by morning or no?
Any Stern Fans Here?
Kevin Foster was a hell of a swimmer
I think it's because I'm Jewish.
That'll do, Puig. That'll do.