
Sam from Diffr'nt Strokes. I smoked some stuff with that guy.

51 years old...

I generally don't get too worked up when stars die. This one though?

WTF, SI reported the vehicle to be a Suburban while the Globe reported it as a Yukon XL. Hope took out the insurance.

Actually I don't think he Mindanao

If you watch the Afghanistan episode of VICE. It will all make sense.

As Thornton Mellon once said you missed a whole bunch of em.

After mapping it Dexter Manley would have ended up in the Pacific

A rec and a +1 so I cover all of my bases.


Today we learned the importance of voting. Also Greg Norton has nothing on me, Jerks!

Boy Trapped In Refrigerator EATS OWN FOOT

Beat me to it. Jerk. #HelenKeller

9:30 PM? What an amateur!

Not at all ironic that he was at Shakey's Pizza.


Sometimes silence is golden