Is the Hawk version of events available? I couldn't locate it.
Is the Hawk version of events available? I couldn't locate it.
I thought I'd seen everything In baseball. Then I saw Hawk's call of the GS.
I don't give a crap until they get Carroll O'Connor, Jamey Carroll forever!
Ironically Mookie finally broke somebody's ankles.
Sounds to me like a lot of smoke signals.
Thank God.
Once again, Oklahoma and the midwest are getting cornholed by mother nature. Anybody check the Waffle House Alert System?
IF he passes??? M-M-M-Mookie was an assist machine! Booyah!
Vanna's reaction to her solving the puzzle says it all.
Tell me about it!
Hey Sexy Girlfriend!
Unfortunately he looked dazed and confused when an older white-haired reporter asked him where his automobile was.
On this night let's all raise one for those who despise Deadspin so much that they take time away from their fabulous life of Bronyhood to not only read, but trash the site for posting something of interest. Thanks Fellas!
The Mid-Range Jumper
It is the essence of this website. We're all going to hell if you read enough stuff here.
On the way to Canton there are many, many highway oasis' he can allegedly impregnate women at.
Guys Relax, it's a FEMA shirt. Red tank-top guy is wearing one too. If you look closely on the back it says OKC Thunder NBA Champs 2013.
Similarly, eating 18 prostitutas de Guayaba that look delicious will make breathing difficult as well.