Not so fast Son!
Not so fast Son!
Last seen attempting to dribble a soccer ball to Brazil on the ol' contraversial Hwy 101.
Utterly 'Shocking' that it would get that sort of response.
Not that the refs are the reason our Bulls lost, but when the Bulls were in it in the 1st half, the refs made it quite clear it was gonna be a 1-1 series after tonight. Thoughts?
So as I understand it, instant replay in baseball was brought in in part to make sure a home run is a home run. That said, how did the Umps miss the Adam Rosales Homer in the 9th, with 2 out, down a run to Cleveland. 4 people agreed that a ball that quite clearly went over the wall was in fact a double. Cleveland won…
'Good luck, we're all counting on you..'
There are two reasons I share your joy. First off, the stunning nature in how they beat Miami brought me sheer joy, haven't felt like this since Michael and the Jordanaires. Secondly, the sportsbook by my house had the Bulls +1550 to win. So $10/$155 later, feels nice.
I think the vast majority of the basketball watching public have just booked a seat on the Bulls bandwagon. Minus the likely ESPN overhype, I am all for it.
As a Bulls' fan I'd say who f'ing cares, let's beat the F'ing Heat.
Regret for the tat or the jorts?
Special Ed apparently misunderstood it when Kris from Kris Kross said that his beats were 'Killing Me'
I smell a photoshop contest.
I think we just need to tell Chris Burke that 'Life Goes On'
CSN was about 10 seconds ahead of the ESPN feed. The game was fabulous overall. A little sloppy at the end but 180 degrees from NY/Bos
Yea wrong thread. -1
Just a thought, but maybe you just need to actually walk the kids across the street with that shiny STOP sign instead of sitting in your golf cart
Just a thought, but maybe you just need to actually walk the kids across the street with that shiny STOP sign instead of sitting in your golf cart.