
3 Tom Clancy shooters, truly the peak of variety

Because most of it felt like this:

The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 7, Shenmue 3, amazing Uncharted demo, and their big new IP had gameplay unlike Microsoft’s Recore. Not even close - Sony won by a country mile imo.

Okay, first things first: I don’t like Anita Sarkeesian’s work. I find her videos, tweets, and online discussions/blogs to be shallow and selective, she seems incapable of separating harassment from disagreement, and I don’t feel she’s at all a good representative of the very real issues she tries to address. That

What world do you live in? Where I’m from it is illegal to punch people in the face, regardless of sex.

Do woman want equality to the point where a guy can punch them, just like a guy would punch another guy?

So quick to jump on that band wagon you can’t even get the party line right. It was Brianna Wu who was accused of that. Not Anita. Anita doesn’t even make games. Jesus even gamer gate supporters don’t have a minimum iq entrance exam.

Recently saw the results of one study on which they used bots in a chatroom.

Anecdotal: I’m a lady, and when I started here I had an obviously female account name. I was asking a lot of stupid technical questions- I wanted to anonymously ask stupid technical questions, that is why I set up a kinja account on the first place. I can’t count how many “stupid bitch” type responses I got. When I

Alternatively: “Don’t Do This Shitty Thing And Speak Up If You See Others Doing It.”

Even if it’s not defined, if it’s in the King James bible, then it definitely exists SOMEWHERE on the internet.

Yes because people who ride bikes eat at McDonald.

Limited availability hasn’t been a real thing outside of Nintendo games for like, a decade. I haven’t pre-ordered a game since before World of Warcraft came out and I’ve never had a problem finding a copy of a game I want to play.

It’s happening. It’s all happening.

BBS sure, DDD, not so much.

That dude was fuckin stoked on those toys though

Prediction: Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will utilize a mobile card game to get equipment.

I think it was ingenuity through desperation.

I'm not sure what the effect is called, but essentially the world of GTA V was so big for me that I just stuck to the main things I needed to do and didn't bother exploring. Kind of like when you're depressed - at small, minor levels you can deal with it, but when it's major you don't even bother. I remember being