
I remember my re-touched yearbook photo.

Before, the girls didn't have impossible waits and I kind of liked that everything want so exaggerated but at the end of the day this is still one if my favorite manga.

Photo manipulation and matte painting techniques are used alot in the industry. I'm not saying all artists produce their work in this manner but it is great for quickly getting ideas down.

Feng zhu is a good artist to look at if you are wanting a starting point :)

Then your best bet is to draw cities, and of course landscapes. I'm getting you like impressionist interpretations. Force yourself to draw in small time increments; start with 1 minute drawings, then 2, then 5, 10, and so on. You'll find that you've done a lot of practicing in a style that suits you.

I went to college for art and graphic design, so I've done quite a bit of life drawing classes (though I've yet to finish - hope I'll go back some day). You might not have a teacher walking up to you, looking at your work and telling you what's good/what needs improvement while you're drawing a nude model or a bowl of

I find myself jealous of some people's ability to imagine the future and illustrate it.

For something to become obsolete someone needs to be looking beyond it.

Sony hasn't been doing a good job of porting their own studios games, the Jak collection was terrible from what I gathered, Ratchet FFA on the vita was a disaster even after delaying it months (but some how has a decent rating on PSN hmm), God of War on Vita has issues but is better.
With lack luster ports,

Sony's attempt to promote the PSVita is really lackluster. Bigger games should already be out by now, e.g. Gran Turismo Vita. For instance, Sony could have finance a exclusive Final Fantasy 7 remake for the PSVita. More exclusive games for Sony's handheld would be better for expanding its market, but now a bunch of

PSP: 6

The four dudes behind them. Their faces. I could watch them all day.

You should watch from position 3:13. You can't tell me there isn't a big difference in Driveclubs favor of how the wipers and the behavior of raindrops are simulated.

Wow uh, as pretty as screenshots from Project Cars have been looking, Driveclub kinda looks a LOT better. Project Cars looks flat next to it. How'd that happen?

Apple people, Android people, Windows People..... (insert any corporate identity) people claim as their own identity. Welcome to consumerism obsessed society where it became a social norm as long as everyone participates in the same mental illness.

When you're dealing with the design that many consider 'perfect' and every computer company on the face of the earth copies, even the slightest change is radical.

i wanted a switchblade soo bad, but they probably would have asked 2 grand for it anyways.

Well, I'd say Skyrim has a really fantastic world! The mission design and combat mechanics of Skyrim don't hold up, but I dumped 100+ hours into Skyrim because exploring was so god damn amazing.

The combat was profoundly disappointing. It's just a button mash on normal.

I can definitely see how it'd be possible to take nearly 200 hours to finish everything in Dragon Age, especially if you're going after things like the shards. Unfortunately, I don't think the game provided much motivation, outside of "hey, it's something to do, it, I guess?"

I'll take the recycled mansion with actual story content, over nice looking areas with zero purpose other than to give space to fill with a-bajillion pickup quests.