
"Care to be more specific?"

"How much do you like the new Assassin's Creed game, Plunkett?"
"Sharks. That's how much I like it."

No we need more! from different angles.

I want this. But I won't have the money to get this until the end of the which point I'm likely to forget about it.

Kotaku needs to do a "games that came out this month that you might have forgotten about but are still awesome" article at the end of every month...

The PC version was horrible? BAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA. Crazy fuckin console kids...

Interesting fact: Nobody pays for Skype anywhere else.

Tomorrow's story: "Microsoft confirms that you don't need a Gold account to use Game DVR."

Nope, fail.

I've waited almost a week, and that's probably the best summary I got.

I heard that if you reach 30 and still managed to protect your virginity you gain superpowers. :]

Full Disclosure: I'm a 24 year old virgin, but even I thought:

I still like this version of Breaking Bad

Sony needs a new marketing agent, all these nonsensical ad are just not coming through to the mainstream public.

Gravity Rush is an excellent example of a fantastic game unlike anything else on other platforms. The same certainly goes for Tearaway.

So many comments acting as if they actually care about the way women are portrayed in the game. Enough, in fact, to actually try to convince others that they will not play the game due to said art style. Who do you think you are fooling? Stop being a lemming and form your own opinions. You will not be deemed cool and

Your response doesn't match with what really happens in gaming.

The exact same hardware? all around? Wherein the world did you read that at?

I think I've come to the conclusion that it's not the graphics that concern me anymore... it's the overall look. And it's getting very dull to me.

So much graffiti in games. At this point they should just make a game where graffiti is the main goal of the...oh

"Only on Playstation."