
My reply to his first post ended up being this haahaa (apa cited and all!)

Haahaa, I would freaking love to!

I want to. If my SO wasn't around to talk me down I probably would have. Unfortunately he's fairly good friends with my friend, and I know the last thing she would want was drama. But ughhh, he started it! *grumblegrumble*

I've read it over at least 4 times and I still don't get it. I really hope he's just trolling me or something...

So a close and dear friend of mine posted a nice happy woman`s day note, listing some of the struggles women still face today (really straight forward, with links, nothing controversial and very well done).

Crap facebook letter from a dude in the reply:

Slightly offtopic but this reminded me, I have what almost seems like a light mole on one of my areola. I t doesn't stick out or anything, but it's like a brownish splotch of discolouration. Is that enough to warrant a doctor trip? (I've been putting it aside...)

We have [] ...which appears to have my name, facebook profile, phone number, and address despite going through great efforts about a year ago to rid my name off the internet. What really creeps me out is that it even has my new facebook which isn't at all attached to my name, and has a different URL. I set

We have a similar one in one of our stations. It pretty much rants on about how they are actually the pro-choice one because all the pro-choice people aren't giving you the whole story, and a woman has a right to be told absolute bullshit don't ya'know!

I prefer gynofacist.

No no, it just means you'll never have the urge "when you someone hot and you want to 'do it'". You also lack any survival instincts and obviously never get any pleasure from sex. You may also be some sort of superhuman who has exceeded dog humping levels of procreation control.

I'm about to respond to him, but I'm always baffled by the whole mentality and argument of "I'm some biological smartguy who has to point out that the only reason for sexual urges is procreation...SCIENCE". Then completely disregard the body of evidence that clearly has proven time after time that sex often has a

It's not an exception, it is a compromised state of health compared to your normal functions. Being pregnant is a condition which you see an extreme rise in a vast amount of health dangers, and a even a ideal pregnancy carries several negative effects a non-pregnant woman would never be exposed to. I wouldn't call it

Can I blame my sudden urges to chase that guy with a pair of garden sheers on my "natural female condition" too?

It shouldn't be. I somehow made one last night extremely drunk with a George Foreman...I have no idea how I didn't burn my apartment down. Was worth it.

Grilled cheese hotdogs. Mmmm.

I know art history is especially tough for ESL students (though I have zero sympathy for those who skip it or an engineering superiority complex). If it makes you feel any better I remember helping out a bunch with studying during my undergrad, and it was a genuine struggle for them with several of them putting in 3

*crosses fingers*

Oh I mean getting the insertion done (mine was horribly painful, and my sister ended up having troubles for two weeks afterwards), paying for it (was covered by my insurance, but I've heard it can cost up to $700), and hoping it settles right with your body (my gyno warned about 1 in 5 end up taking it out in the

I think you might be seriously onto something. The costumes on that show are friggin amazing.