
technically its an incel phone

I wonder if their individual gravitational pull will be so strong on each other it’ll rip the fabric of space/time?

KJU texting on his personal, imported toilet rolling in his private bulletproof train car after the summit while surrounded by his sprinting bodyguards: “That dude was crazy, right?”

You have no idea the levels of fuckery it takes to make me side with the Fucking Eagles, but by god, Donny Boy has done it.

And that the CEOs of Disney and ABC are better at dealing with racism than the POTUS or Congress...

I get your point. But I also don’t think sitting or kneeling during the anthem stands for “screw America” in quite the same way that comparing a black person to an ape stands for its obvious (and historical) racist tones.

I got here as soon as I could, Matt.

This. THIS! If it were from an actual, dedicated immigrant advocate, it wouldn’t be requesting the masses to curb the outrage to keep the railroad underground; instead they would amplify it by pointing out that DHHS, the DOJ, and ICE have created an environnent where not only are thousands of kids unaccounted for,

Funny because this sounds like a middle-school boy who just got dumped.

“Because one of the few things you have are your integrity and reputation.”

“We have 50 million abortions.” Speaking to This Week’s George Stephanopoulos on ABC, Patrick said, “Should we be surprised [at mass shootings] in this nation? We have devalued life.”

Why does it sound like two people making cat fighting noises? 🤣🤣🤣

A put this in the other article, but I’ll put it here too.

Also, I don’t know what Hollandaise is.

Holy shit, these are pretty good!

i like your answer the best!

Oh look, people found his yelp!

Hey, I know how adjectives and adverbs work!

Eric is smart enough to keep his mouth shut, except I guess when he breathes