
Take their guns. Due process should come second.
I heard a dude say that recently, feel like it should apply here.

Rule of thumb: People who have to tell you how rich, intelligent, modest or religious they are, aren’t.

Forgive me if this is tangential to the overall crisis at hand, but America in general has a severe mental health problem that needs to be addressed alongside the gun issue.

This is not the America I signed up for.

“What did you do, Bill? What did you do?! Look at the kitchen, Bill. It’s not supposed to be doing that, Bill!”

it says DON’T walk, guys.

Someone took the video from that ad and put his words about consumerism to it:

This is the awning of the age of hilarious.

And in our desperation we turned to a city we didn’t fully understand.

Seventy-year-old Arthur Jones has run for the seat seven times over two decades, and argues that his flagrant racism, anti-Semitism, and white supremacy is okay because he’s not running to become “the chancellor of Germany.”

Agreed.. you have a point

What you just witnessed was not real. It was only a science fiction comedy movie starring the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and your cranky uncle.” — Agent D (that’s me).

Mr. Trump, The NYT is reporting you have a 105% approval rating in Wakanda. An unprecedented approval rating for any president at any time in any country. Do you think your popularity in Wakanda has to do with your high intelligence or the fact that you are always proven right on everything, no matter what it is?

Don’t sleep with republicans.

Sorry, Kylo. Your Resistance is in another castle.

Eff Oregon Trail. Karateka, Choplifter and Logo FTW!!

Typical sexual predator. He can’t take “no” for an answer.

And, that dismisses my other theory it was just a well-timed transmission failure. Although, that can’t be ruled out.

Uggggggghhhhhhh. This dude is such a pig that I actually wouldn’t be surprised if that was part of his reasoning.

I want Leslie Jones to finally play him.