
You know what, even though the production model was nearly the same, if this hit show floors today, it would still drop my jaw!

No love for the Ferrari Mythos…?

BMW Nazca C2 by Italdesign. Lust at first sight.

The Pininfarina Modulo.

It’s gotta be the Lancia Stratos Zero because I want to live in this version of the future.

That didn’t stop him from being awesome as Robbie in Gravity Falls.

I don’t see the problem.

I have no problem with this.

Yes I remember the story ran here 3-4 years ago where the person found a video game of his dads & raced his record ghost car down the track, very touching.

dont Sob for SAAB. They get to focus on doing cool things like this instead of rebadged GM refuse and lightly nose-engineered subarus.

Matt, This was an excellent article, certainly the most detailed and savvy piece written about that event, especially picking up on the PR campaign we successfully ran against the FBI for our then under 18 year old selves - I was 17 1/2 at the time and nervous about what might come next for me. Having the editors of

“I want to stress one thing: these guys aren’t motorcyclists, they’re assholes on motorcycles. And there’s absolutely a difference.”

I’m 46 and have been watching ATHF as well as dozens of things on Adult Swim for years.

“You can’t do this with a skiff and a Johnson outboard. Geez, give some credit where credit is due people.”

No. The ship/barge only maintains a GPS location - and the rocket targets that. There is no communication between them. If the barge shifts, the rocket will land in the ocean. The barge is FAR simpler than the rocket.

I haven’t seen that one either. I am British but all of the sets I’ve seen look identical to the North American ones. However, plenty of UK Ebay listings for it, so it must have been in a fair number of boxes.

And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.