
I wonder if it can ever be managed to have a swarm of drones present a footprint of a much larger vessel - do this in a large enough scale and the decoys you can present might enable some useful misdirection tactics.

I’d also like to point out that “Roar Strand” might just be the coolest name of all time.

Charge them with war crimes for fulfilling their completely legal military service?

Thousands of mid 20's men who have secretly had a crush on her for years will finally have an excuse to see her in concert.

I read something that said that the original producer of the show at Nick had John K’s back 100%, but Nick brought in a new co-producer who immediately began imposing her will, making stupid decisions, making stupid changes and imposing artistic restrictions. I thought I’d read it in The Onion’s AV Club, but I can’t

How much improvement in 0-60 do you want? 0.1 seconds in the sub-3 second world we live in now is enormous. 7MPH top speed increase with additional downforce? That actually sounds pretty good!

Complaining that a road car only is marginally faster to 60 with all this extra power is irrelevant when it is around 2.8s. With current tire technology and street tires that is at the physical limit. Assuming a 1.0 coefficient of friction between the tire and road gives a max acceleration of 1G. I know some cars can

I mean it is 3 different colors! It is similar to the C-pillar on the i8, however that has the sort of through vent function, whereas this extra complexity which doesn’t add to the design has no function here. This seems way too forced and not natural enough to be on an Aston.

What about the stupid multi color c-pillar?

Just saw that last week on the big screen - a theater shows classics every Sunday and Wednesday - what a glorious movie and the scenery and yes, the Sunbeam Alpine. Sure was a long way from the Tiger, tho’

Good lord, COM TRUISE is fucking amazing!

Now playing

I mean, FUTURECOP is good and all, but if you’re going to go Synthwave, COM TRUISE is where it’s at:

I’m really digging these Desert Storm revisited stories.

What you typed just made no sense. One company bought the rights to the names/trademarks. That company was pushed out. Now, to use its trademarks, it wants compensation. This is normal.

I’m not getting the outrage. Hotels change names all the time when a new company buys them, usually because they’re named after the company that owns, but sometimes not.

This is a frightening peek into our Branded™ and overly litigious future.

Buy out Jezebel. Fire everybody. Hire all men. Pay them double.

Too bad Kinja can’t indent replies more than one level. We can’t go

Best LeMons idea ever: put a Fiero drivetrain in the back and Fiero body panels. Make sure every panel has a Pontiac badge on it. Make it a “Fiero kit car”.

Looks fun