Great game to be at last night! I was there too. TC was rockin! J Smoove and Dwight put on a grand finale to remember! Let's go red nation!
Great game to be at last night! I was there too. TC was rockin! J Smoove and Dwight put on a grand finale to remember! Let's go red nation!
It’s “Nessie" bait.
Hope she doesn't have to use the restroom anytime soon.
You should try being a Houston fan. I’m pretty sure ESPN would have to shut down for a day of mourning if we went to the finals.
Warriors winning it all is a deadspin writers wet dream.... And a few of their small market readers. Can’t wait to watch them go down and Harden win the MVP.
what!? I own an X11 carbon and ABSOLUTELY CANT STAND THE STUPID WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY CALL THE STUPID ASS SHIT OF A RIGHT LEFT MOUSE BUTTON!! I hope they allow us current X1 Carbon users some sort of upgrade option to get this. I sure as hell am not spending 1200 dollars to get mouse buttons.
Chassis dynos aren't like engine dyno's in respect to calculating HP based off torque and RPM. They measure HP by acceleration and torque by HP and RPM. Weird I know, but that's how they work.
I made a post but it will probably be way at the bottom. No it's not accurate. The rpm reading is way off which throws off the dyno's torque calculations. Dyno graph shows some 75k RPM.... Though from what I have read they spin 14k stock. So the numbers are wrong and everyone is freaking out of dyno numbers instead of…
You guys do realize in order for a chassis Dyno to measure torque it has to have an RPM reading? Otherwise torque figures will be off dramatically or not available at all? Chassis dynos measure HP and calculate torque. Complete opposite of an engine dyno. Anyways, just wanted to throw that out there.
This is why I watch TNT games.
not to mention potential claims and loss of life when they fall out of the sky.
If I was to take one guess, I'm guessing..... Scottish?
Got my cam and bolt on C7 to do 0-60 in 3.1 seconds this weekend. It's not the fastest car I have ever driven, but with launch control it's probably the fastest 0-60 I have ever driven. Here's a video.
I once heard someone named "The Babe" could call where his hits would go. I'm no baseball-give-a-shitter, but I imagine like many professional athletes, baseball players have the ability to direct the ball in approximate directions and lengths. Still an unlikely pretty bad ass heart warming little event. Too bad he's…
lol, bravo. Well done sir.
The owner wasn't actively trying to sell it. Took my buddy a few days to even let his boss know he had a friend who was interested in buying it. It was simply small talk from the beginning when he commented on my Instagram that his boss had a GN. When I asked him a few questions about it that's when simple…
Being the buyer with cash in hand is always the best position to be in. Just like the guy who bought it from me for 24. I was happy with the quick sale even though I'm sure I could have got closer to 30 if I was patient. Buying and selling cars is a pain in the ass because everyone is doing it. 90% of potential buyers…
but you are right, I knew I got an amazing deal lol
Meh, that's highly debatable. These cars fluctuate in price significantly.