
When will people learn that playing and game and watching a movie are two very different things.

I'm having trouble seeing how this wouldn't get repetitive. It seems all the creatures are damage sponges that you just hold down the fire button and empty your clips into over and over.

That acoustic guitar man, gets me every time :(

Well if you're going to try and blend in a world ruled by Nazis being a generic white guy goes a long way.

You using AMD or nvidia? On my 670 I just turned on adaptive vsync in my panel and all was well. I can't stand playing with in game vsync enabled because of the mouse lag it causes.

Just beat the game on PC at highest settings without issue. I'm using a AMD 1090t and Nvidia 670 with the newest beta drivers.

There were Ps4 and XB1 logos on a bunch of E3 videos last year that were all running on PC.

Naw, we're too busy enjoying Chick 'Fil A.

The worst part is these companies always give in the the loud minorities.

"One day it'll be as normal as M-F marriage and everyone will shut their stupid fucking faces about how they're being forced to accept it."

I hated the past couple 24 seasons, but so far this one is really good and worth watching.

Why is everyone so obsessed with wonder woman all of a sudden. There are so many more DC heroes more interesting than her.

I like the change, Brienne wandering through the woods making zero progress in the books was pretty boring.

Look at the trees.

This is supposed to be an older Batman who's more refined in his skills.

Once we get to the point where you can stream home PC games while in a store is when I will pick one up instantly. Will probably be awhile though.

I have to say gaming on a phone isn't too bad with a controller. Just for fun I hooked up my 360 controller to my HTC M8 and it's pretty great. Course I can't exactly take it with me everywhere and MOGA has better support for games. However, as much as it hurts me to say it mobile gaming could really have a serious

I have to wonder with the gay community being so vocal about foreign nations views on homosexuality why I rarely if ever hear about gay people being practically mass murdered in Africa and the Middle East. I'm pretty sure the people there would much rather see just jail time.

Now you know how I felt when Halo 2 got shut down :(

So gay people should push being gay on their child?