
There are two more factors to consider; age and type of protein.

That’s ridiculous, why would a car be walking your dog?

I came here hoping that this comment was here. It was, the internet has not disappointed me this day.

Have you tried Aviation Gin, Ryan Reynolds now owns the company. I am a fan of the gin, it is fantastic.

Canada: 100% because Canadians can apply to have the American taxes reimbursed and there is no tax on winnings in Canada.

Nah, it's meant for short measurements, like 1-5 feet.

Not bad! Here are some more.

This has got to be the dumbest thing... Drama over electric scooters... You people are crazy XD XD XD

Nah, teenagers used Facebook because there was too many adults on MySpace, and then they all migrated to Snapchat/Twitter/Instagram. It didn’t matter that Google + had fewer features, ever other social media service that has exploded has fewer features than Facebook... That was not the problem.

And the Milky Way is moving about 1.3M mph away from the center of the universe so really the pigeon isn’t moving at all, its speed is zero thanks to rounding.

Would this count as a double baked lobster? Because that sounds delicious.

It might be super useful if you're blind... But other than that it'll be the most memorable useless thing of the 2010's when we look back on it from future generations.

Wait. This symbol doesn't mean "okay" or "perfect"? What?

That’s the exact model I got for Christmas from my parents, it’s fantastic and I highly recommend it. It is stable, sturdy and holds all of my stand mixer attachments while the stand mixer rests on top.

That’s the exact model I got for Christmas from my parents, it’s fantastic and I highly recommend it. It is stable,

Now playing

The robot is from a 2016 short film called Adam... Really good, you should take 5 minutes and watch it.

A Metal Gear game really is just a movie with a few interactive sequences to break things up... So this movie is definitely a step backwards c:

If only we could get a tape of the president saying the n word then we will finally know he’s a racist and everything will be alright?

To be honest I clicked on the article because that seemed like an acronym you’d find in a Fallout game. The article was helpful and I learned something new, but I'm left feeling like this was a missed opportunity.

I present to you my mother’s crab dip bread bowl.

Fair enough, I got carried away with my tangy suggestions, and although you can get Worcestershire sauce that is made without anchovies, it is probably missing a key ingredient.