
It must be tough to find a balance between progress and the status quo... I can respect that the government is trying to prevent companies from ruining people’s lives, I would expect that most test subjects aren’t fully aware of all the potential risks. But especially if you’re a terminal patient, the choice to spend

For the cost of two beers at the new stadium I can see why anyone would be upset, I mean, they’ve got their Rider Pride.

I will not be satisfied with live wallpaper until my cellphones background is a live feed of Earth from the ISS. NO COMPROMISES >:O

I wonder how effective it would be to avoid getting sick? I’ve heard that by the time you show symptoms for a cold or flu, you’ve already been contagious for several days, even several weeks. So incidentally, if you have a co-worker with symptoms of a cold then it might already be too late.

I don’t know how many people have tasted the devil’s candy, but one thing I do know is we’re better off, as a species, every time someone does eat a Tide Pod.

My suggestion is to get the shredder/meat grinder attachment kit if you want to talk about making a tedious task easy. Shredding cheese is something I actually look forward to doing now.

My suggestion is to get the shredder/meat grinder attachment kit if you want to talk about making a tedious task

I’ve used the spaghetti attachment to make ramen before, but other than that it sit disused. The most common one I use is actually the sheet roller for lasagna noodles :)

I’ve used the spaghetti attachment to make ramen before, but other than that it sit disused. The most common one I

Holy cannoli that’s a great price!

Holy cannoli that’s a great price!

As a professional Salesperson I can honestly say the word SALE no longer means “on sale” and now means “for sale”. Although there are genuine special prices for a few items, when something is discontinued, or during certain times of the year, most “sales” are identical from week-to-week and month-to-month.

Putting tablets on fridges... Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, but WHY? It doesn’t make the fridge work better, or last longer. In fact it does the exact opposite, shortens lifespan at the cost of gimmicks. It makes as much sense to me as a touchscreen on you roof.

One important point is that winter tires are free! If you’re running one set of tires all year round they will wear twice as fast, if you run a set for summer and a set for winter you’ll actually get twice the life out of them. So yeah, do yourself a favour and get a free upgrade for your car!

Yeah man, my FRS doesn’t go anywhere (literally) unless it has winter tires on.

His own medical practice by 17... he is like the dream child of the stereotypical Asian family.

I sell the Whirlpool range that works with this feature! It isn’t complicated to set up, but just like having a car-starter in a manual, you won’t be able to accidentally engage it. Will anyone use it? Nah. It’s at best useful for my one blind customer who needs tactile controls to use an oven. At worst it’s $100 more

If it wins can we call it a casseruola?

Now playing

Here’s a video from 2008 of someone screaming at hard drives to slow them down...

Also Netflix doesn’t have NFL ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

“Today on Buzzfeed’s Worth It Challenge; three different employees at three drastically different prices, and we’re gonna find out which one is the most worth it at its price.”

I’m going to continue with my strengthening and stretching routine. My goal is to do the front and side splits in 2018 (almost there, but the last few inches feel like a mile). Also I’m currently doing 100 decline pushups and 50 sets bicep and tricep curls with a 35lb weight, I would like to get that to 60lbs over the

Ironically, France wants nothing to do with Quebec either...