
I’m sorry if I upset you. That was not my intention.

This is the wrong season for this to be sure, but I was debating alternative uses for a Soda Stream and came up with an idea for cold carbonated cucumber soup. I don’t have a Soda Stream to try this out, I wonder how it would taste.

That’s another common misconception; the electricity used by a Dishwasher still amounts to savings.

Modern dishwashers use about 1.5-3 gallons of water to clean dishes. The 2015 DOE regulations made it so that they they use less water than you could by simply washing them by hand :)

And now a loaf of bread costs $10,000... great.

Bosch dishwashers have a built-in mechanism specifically to PREVENT you from leaving the dishwasher open a crack because in their experience it causes most dishes to cool too quickly and prevent them from drying properly.

It won’t be effective. Oddly enough physical exercise has very little to do with losing fat. Yes, when you work harder you burn more sugar, but it is a miniscule amount compared to how much you will save by cutting unnecessary sugar out of your diet. 20 minutes of running (not walking, not jogging) will barely burn

I never understood why black people would continue to use a word charged with so much hatred on themselves. This is a great explanation, thank you. As to why I can never say it myself, yeah, I’ve always been fine without it.

Also useful for bookshelves and, believe it or not, ranges (they even come with anti tip brackets now!)

If you’re thinking of fermentation, how about Kimchi?

Perhaps you’re just being sarcastic, but just in case:

The effects of sedentary lifestyles on health are minor compared to the detriments of hard labour. Even looking back through time at more active lifestyles our overall quality of life and lifespans are so much greater now it must be a very difficult thing to figure out how, comparatively, we are affected by desk jobs.

Oh right! I forget that not everyone has basements... Literally every house here has one, so my mistake.

I’m pretty sure garbage bags are waterproof, just sick you stuff in that and put it in the basement. Yes, it’ll float, but it won’t escape the basement.

Meh. This latest arc has no flavour to it anyways. I say we scrap it and pretend the series ended with Gon dying in the hospital.

Yup! To be fair pre-workout could really be as little as a cup or two of coffee. Anything to stimulate you. You could technically use sugar but that would be a bad idea, the additional calories, plus you’ll be extra hungry after supper.

Yup! To be fair pre-workout could really be as little as a cup or two of coffee. Anything to stimulate you. You

My girlfriend purchased a jar of this stuff for her workouts, the fruit punch flavor. After about 15 minutes she starts sweating like she’s had a shot of adrenaline and says she can’t calm down until she works of the extra energy. I think that’s a glowing review from her? It really motivates her to complete her full

My girlfriend purchased a jar of this stuff for her workouts, the fruit punch flavor. After about 15 minutes she

My friend is an network manager for the government. His password includes a series of random words with a pattern based off an indicator from the website or program he is currently using (such as the third character in is O so that’s the start point for the pattern). It’s a challenging password to guess

Scaramucci is significantly less punchable! Any face is less punchable if the puncher thinks that the punchee would punch back. So, people may want to punch Scaramucci MORE, but he is LESS punchable because he is a fighty little Italian-American and that would give most people pause.

Even though we know Netflix signed up for a second season, does anyone know when to expect it? It would be nice if it was up tomorrow... :)