
Just a hypothetical question. Should she be able to play team sports alongside other girls — even if she ends up gaining a tad bit of muscle and size (despite her likely hormone treatment)?

I don't see anything wrong with the bathroom issue. Especially since she's lived as a girl since 2-years of age.

The girl on the left is pretty nice. But I'm just not digging the tatted girl on the right.

What exactly is Henderson getting away with that Sherman isn't? They're both outspoken athletes with huge personalities that evoke an emotional response from their fans and opponents alike. Some people love them while others dislike them. I'm a fan of both of them. Nothing racially nefarious to see here.

That's an aftermarket tail light blackout kit. It's crooked because the person installing it put it on crooked.

I have a 2010 Challenger R/T which I bought just shy of two years ago. Love everything about it: the 6-speed manual, the spacious and comfortable interior and especially the retro looks of the exterior. It thrills me that they're not as common as Mustangs and Camaros. Yeah, it's heavy, but that increased weight makes

The Bird!

Fantastic shot Deanne, but this one is my favorite from 2013. And I'm no baseball fan either.

That's Larry Sanders—Virginia Commonwealth University alum. This was from the game the VCU Rams crushed the Washington Wizards.

"When pressed further about the similarities between the McBride case and the shooting of Trayvon Martin ... "

What similarities? Zimmerman is hispanic—Wafer is caucasian. The deceased is a female who was knocking on the door of the defendant's home. Trayvon (who was sober) was followed by Zimmerman which lead to a

Based on the way the bear flinches and cowers, I'm pretty certain it was rescued from Chris Brown's compound.

Wait. I'm confused. So robotic contraptions are going to kills us, not giant Asian hornets?

Yeah, the Jets are going to be horrible again this season. Real horrible. But not Raiders horrible.

Jeepers! I've counted 177 blows to the head (still counting) in the animated gif. Lorenzo sure can take a punch. He refuses to go down! Now up to 189. Incredible! Is the ref asleep? He needs to step in ... like now.

Better than any White Sox highlight.

Excellent! After watching that, I feel better prepared for my upcoming fantasy football draft.

After watching this clip, I now have Gabbert ahead of Fitzpatrick on my draft cheat sheet.

I hope the gun and grenade are in police custody. After all, they're the ones who instigated the carnage.

If you're a vegan, you eat NO animal products—even if they're free roam/cage-free. Zilch. If you eat eggs and consume dairy (but no meat or fish), you're a vegetarian. Come on people, it's 2013. Not sure why these terms are still misunderstood.