
Two reasons really: a (partly deserved) reputation for unreliability, and not enough power. The most you can get in most French cars are small-displacement turbo fours with 160-200hp geared towards fuel economy. Sure, you can still get a 3-liter V6 in the top-of-the-line models, but it's definitely not the engine of

They only mess up with the up-market innovations, because what small luxury market there is in France is dominated by foreign brands. However, when it comes to mass-market innovations, they've always been quite cutting edge.

See, this is something I don't get. What makes the "flat-floor" so desirable? If it had a special engine that wasn't available anymore in later models or something like that, I could understand paying a premium.

Whoops, mixed up the numbers in my head there. I know that a single flight to London doesn't cost 125 grand, that would be insane!

Oh wow, that lifetime AA-pass really deserves the top spot. The linked story mentions a dude who lost his license as a stockbroker and then proceeded to use it and his companion pass to generate income by ferrying people to Europe for a monthly fee.

World's worst blackmailer?

It probably is, seeing how jackety Adidas things seem to be Wilson's favorite dress item.

Now playing

He's definitely in on the joke. Rhett & Link (those 2 guys you see in the background) are youtube entertainers (or whatever that's called) & have been doing this for a while. The gist of it is "you get a commercial for free, we get views for our channel".


Ah, the History channel, where "we might never know" is implied to mean "it totally happened that way, bro! I swear Hitler was one second away from nuking New York with the help of the freemansons!"

Jon Snow and Ygritte are kind of an ok pairing though. He's a good guy, despit some hang-ups, and she's his equal so it's not creepy.

I dunno. Maybe it's more business.

I guess that cave was implied to contain a hot spring and thus be warm and steamy.

I'm not really in the market for a hot hatch. I definitely could not afford any of these new, anyway. My 2 current cars combined cost just over 8k, I just don't have 5-figure amounts of cash and I'm not about to take up a loan for what is basically an indulgence.

Yet again I feel like 50% of our esteemed editors are actually Rolling Stone rejects.

I've been not-so-subtly inserting the topic into talks with my girlfriends, and I've become the go-to person for all questions automotive in my circle of friends. I try and use that position to make clear to them that a) cars aren't hard - even if you're not terribly interested in them, you can still save a lot of

Yeah, that's something I don't like about modern cars as well - you can basically forget doing your own maintenance if it goes beyond an oil change. Repairs? Ha!

Fun means something else to one driver than it means to another, though. I've never owned a really fast car before recently (I'm relatively new to the hobby), so right now I'm all about sheer speed.

I went the other route: two used cars. I can't afford to buy a new GTI, but I can afford to own a 190E for my daily commute - comfortable, fairly fuel efficient and an overall very pleasant driving experience, though not all that engaging and at 160hp not a speed demon either - and for fun driving on the weekends a

I wasn't even thinking of the Mustang when I wrote my op, more of a hotter hatch than the GTI, something like a Golf R or M135i hatch.