
I live in Georgia, and I'm fully aware that many, probably most people here are backwards-ass fossils. So what? I'm not one of these people, and I live in a place where there are enough other people like me to make it a cool place (Athens, GA - it's the university!). I feel like if I left here, I'd be giving up on a

I do understand their appeal, if I had considerably more funds than I have now I'd buy one (a classic one, though).

Hey, I'm not saying LOL GTI SUCKS. What I'm saying is that for the considerable price a new GTI commands, I'd rather have something truly fast instead of a GTI which is merely quick.

I'm by no means a rich person. I work a mid-level blue-collar job. However, the combined buying price of both my current cars (I have a third one but I inherited it and it's not drivable atm) comes down to just over 8 grand. You can't buy a new Golf for that, much less a GTI. But for that money, I have an efficient,

I think that where I and people like you differ is that you would rather have one car that can do it all reasonably well and accept the tradeoffs, and I'd rather have one sedate daily driver and another car that will snap my neck back and deafen my ears with its sound.

Counterpoint: who cares about "refinement", power for the money is where it's at in a sportscar. Not that I don't appreciate refinement in general, I love my slow-ass Benz precisely for its refinement.

I have nothing against abrasive music; I just don't like abrasive electronic music.

I can deal with fantasy violence a la Game of Thrones just fine, but the kind of violence in war films is something else entirely. It makes me sick and tbh at the same time kind of excites me more than I'm comfortable with, I think there may have been more at play here than attraction to the actors "bleeding over".

Band of Brothers always had me ondulating between "dayum, those dudes are hot" and "oh no, that dude got crushed by a tank/his guts shredded by shrapnel".

And that, class, is why it is good that we don't have direct democracy in this country.

As surprising as it may be to young people today, not everybody likes aggressive electronic music. I can appreciate what she does, and it is refreshing to have a woman on the sexual offense on stage (are all her songs about sex though?).

First of all, I think rumors of the young gearhead's demise have been greatly exaggerated. I mean, most of those "ricers" with their detachable steering wheels and whatnot we love to hate on here are young people aren't they? And no matter what you think of them, they obviously cherish their cars and driving.

You're gonna blame it on "men aren't men anymore"? Seriously? Driving for fun isn't just for men anymore, hasn't been for decades now.

If I never see a grown man in diapers again, it'll be too soon! And I say that as a straight woman who previously thought Montoya was kind of hot (now his image is forever tainted).

How do you misjudge a turn so badly? Unless you're speeding like an asshat, of course.

Nice Try Noel

Leave it to Northwest Europe to include booze in any activity.

My mother had the loudest jewellery as well. She was a white Southern wannabe-socialite, so she was in constant need to one-up the jewellery her peers wore.

Sort of agree. Then again, nobody I know - black or otherwise - dressed like that in the early 90s.

De Niro was and still is the man. I like him even more when he isn't playing a gangster, actually.