
As do I - although the Airbus system was specifically designed with safety in mind, paradoxically.

It seems a recurring factor in Airbus crashes (that Air France disaster comes to mind) though, that some pilots are lulled into a false sense of security by the knowledge that (under normal circumstances) every input is double checked by a computer.

Sort of - investigtors determined that there was enough separation between the aircraft. The structural failure was really caused by the pilot's excessive control inputs as he ws attempting to counter the turbulence. He basically flew the plane so hard it broke - though nobody knows why, as the extreme inputs weren't

Well, they already had an alleged 911 competitor, the Alpine V6 Turbo.

The 924 is arguably Porsche's worst car ever - not sure I'd call the 944 a bad car. Not the later versions anyway. I mean, if the 944 is bad, where do good cars begin?

I've told people more than once that my Renault Fuego is basically a French Porsche.

Kinda appropriate when you're going for a German flavor. It's missing a "Z" though - should be "Ze Pussy Vagon"

I'm inclined to say "c'mon, Peter Dinklage, I bet some of these women find you genuinely hot" - but then again he's probably speaking from experience.

Not gonna lie, that's a pretty sleek car. Seems purpose-made for cruising from your NYC brownstone to your Vermont getaway wearing black turtleneck and blazer, listening to soft jazz or possibly Tracy Chapman.

I don't have a fear of flying per se, but my boyfriend religiously watches that (extremely morbid) NatGeo show about airliner disasters and man, that's really fit to demolish any good faith you might have in the airline industry.

Nearly 18 grand seems a bit expensive, but the car is hella cool no doubt about it. I'd say this is a conditional NP - if you have (as in, just laying around) the money and already own a usable daily driver, this is nice.

My boyfriend would potentially like this. He's very into looking "fresh-faced" (by which I think he means even-skinned), which means his face-shaving rituals have evolved to ridiculous complexity to avoid any razor burn. This seems a preferrable alternative to spending 30 (no shit) minutes shaving every morning.

They look much less gaudy without the stupid sealed-beam headlights and US "safety" bumpers. Still not exactly sporty, but then again this generation of SL isn't really a sportscar.

Or you could just have bought a Corvette, smoked them all and would've had a nice amount of change left. Which has been true for every sportscar comparison for the last 20 years, short of hyper-cars maybe.

Painkillers and speed. Maybe not a cure per se, but it definitely gets you into an operational state much faster than fizzy water and salad.

Of course Ben Affleck has a red '67 Chevelle. Slightly more imaginative than a Mustang, but still.

Yeah, like Jesse said on Breaking Bad, the whole "don't get high on your own supply" is Hollywood bs. I've known many dealers, and they all used.

They're pretty much universally reviled around these parts though, because of their fondness for the likes of Ayn Rand.

Amazingly, nobody has flamed you for attending a Rush concert yet. I'd do it, except I secretly love Rush.

Heh, that made me smile. Beware though, that level of punning leads to the dark side.