
I concur. That opening is remarkable enough to not be any number of games and I think I remember it from KQ7 as well. The King's Quest series is awesome btw.

I'll accept this Christina, but you have to promise me you will make that Carmen Sandiego movie next. I have the script all ready here, you should know from all the times I've called your agent!

C'mon, she's beautiful as she is, really no need to photoshop her!

As a general rule, white people don't live in the real world.

If you're not prepared to take the shit that people give you for openly identifying as feminist, the movement doesn't need you.

But WHY do we have to include men? Why can't feminism be for women only? Men don't need to benefit from feminism because they have everything already.

I sort of agree with your points regarding that how abortion is practiced is what's important. Your last sentence is just you being smug though. Sweden may be quite progressive, but it's fact that you're not as progressive on race and gender issues as is the USA.

The answer is probably that the designers didn't think it needed it, so they didn't bother to engineer in rear seats. It's also cheaper not to have them.

In practice the situation might be better in Europe. But what this shows is that most Europeans are ok with blatant discrimination against women. In spirit it's still a far more misogynist place. I mean, have you ever been on the street in France?

Yeah well, what do you expect from a woman who uses the word "hubby"?

Of course you're right. While there do seem to be enough materialistic and shallow people to get rich people - of both genders - a (shallow, superficial) relationship basically on call, idiots who want to "disprove feminism" always conveniently forget that rich people are in fact still a minority. They're not called

You wanna hear something depressing to add to this: in oh-so-liberal Europe, nearly all countries ban abortion after 12-16 weeks.

Because it isn't really all that small, is it? The E-Type is small. The F-Type is only small in comparison to today's behemoth sports cars. But since most sports car buyers today are balding Florida transplants who aren't prepared to sacrifice even a bit of comfort, this is what you get.

A V-8 just wouldn't be fitting with a car like this, IMO. I mean, this car is as 80s as it gets, and the 80s were TURBO TIME. Sadly, no 130hp and giant TURBO decals for me, but seeing how the rebuild has been going great so far, I might just be crazy enough to install an aftermarket turbo.

Georgia. It's no rust-free zone, but my mother, who I inherited the car from, took super good care of it and only drove it when the weather was nice. It's still plenty rusty and I'm currently restoring it.

Ok, let's try that again. Pic:

I'm going to nominate my own Renault Fuego here. Few women seem to notice it, but it confuses the hell out of dudes who then usually make a wildly inaccurate guess as to what it is.

In fashion, all happiness is apparently forbidden. Because smiles just aren't designer.

Um, Juliette. That song is called "Turn Me Loose".

Oh man, fucking Monster Blood. That was my little sister's fave book. I was in my mid-teens by that time already and one summer while I was monumentally bored I read all of her Goosbumps books and man were most of them shit, but I finished them all (took me like an hour each) except for that steaming pile of shit. I