
Word. Out of all the Goosebumps books, there are maybe 4 or 5 that were worthwhile, and some of these are pretty obviously ghost written. I arrived at that conclusion when one summer, while monumentally bored, I read all of my little sister's Goosebumps books. I was already 15 then, so I was able to see right through

Yeah, he definitely had them ghostwritten at the peak of the series' popularity. The ones not written by him actually tend to be better IMO. R. L. Stine always writes in that awful lets-keep-it-simple-for-the-kids style that really isn't any style at all.

Actually, I think that's a requirement in WRC. No 100% sure though.

Real talk here. I gave myself a hard time about starting the restauration on my Renault Fuego ("now why would you buy a Renault?" - I inherited it).

I kinda think the whole "triangular business fashion" happened because women literally wanted to be just as wide as health-club steeled yuppie guys, you know, to have the same physical presence. That kind of thing is probably important in the testosterone-fest that is high finance by all accounts.

See the first comic here:

Is Celine Dion wearing a backwards blazer? Anyway, that outift looks deligthfully like something a coked-out 70s Motown star would wear.

Shit, if you're a wrestler that kind of outfit is pretty much a must.

She's of German descent, which in Hollywood stars is always a bad sign. Which is weird, bc on my trip to Europe several years ago, I experienced Germany as very friendly place.

Oh man, number 2 reminds me of myself like 10 years back. I work a blue-collar job and don't have the best education, although I keep improving it on my own time. My boyfriend at the time was a literature major and he introduced me to his academic circle of friends, including this pretty awesome feminist studies group.

Well, that's basically it. Most cops are racist, sexist assholes and the only situation I'd ever call them is if my life were in danger. Otherwise they are just not dealing with.


Oh man, there more I read this the better it gets! Love the "So you're worrying about the Basilisk" self-help section. I mean, I'm generally described as a remarkable weirdo, but not I am that weird.

Wow, so many things I don't quite understand about this. For one matter, how would the punishment of a hypothetical simulation of me affect me, and why is this punishment basically coming to me no matter what?

Oh no, Rebel Wilson is going to be in that next GI Joe jingo-xeno-macho-fest, isn't she? This can't end well...

Yup, let's all just do the right thing and wait for another 6-8 years before we make jokes about her again.

Holy shit, red douche alert! Recommend you dump his ass asap.

That's actually a very sensible thing to say. Most people would do well to recognize that the cops are mostly useless. That, and calling them means admitting defeat to a the sexist system of oppression.

I figure it's probably one of these things are offered on the rationale of "if you build it they will come" - i.e. some enterprising surgeons thought that if they offered it, maybe someone would opt for it.

They might just have worded it wrong. But there are definitely FTM options that go beyond just mastectomy. For one, reconstructive surgery to make scarring as minimal as possible, and yes, implants for that peck look (hella expensive from what I hear).