
Sorry, no can do. Physical attraction is important to me. It's not the only thing that's important to me of course, but if I were to say "intriguing" people are what attracts me sexually, I'd be lying. I have a steady boyfriend now (who is reasonably hot), but when I was still doing the hookup thing, personality

The sad thing is, there's an audience for this - there seems to be a fairly significant group of young adults who revel in being lazy and materialistic. It's kind of a new and depressing spin on the "cool nihilist".

I have this weird feeling I always have when a woman gets to a position of power, especially in a male-dominated society, which makes me all excited, but then from what I learn about her, she's immediately suspect to me.

Unless you're very rich, in which case it becomes the main argument in favor of eating chimpanzee.

Nah, it's a classic work of The Onion. Biden actually responded by saying something along the lines of "why would I want a Trans Am when I own a classic Corvette already" (for real!).

I will not be appeased by this. Fuck bipartisanship - conservatives are a blight on this land and not to be trusted. If we are to move forward, we must find some way to render their idiot opinions moot.

Nothing I'd die over. A life that sucks is still better than being dead in my book.

I'd rather be red than dead, i.e. I'll gladly be labeled a coward or a bad feminist for saying I don't want to be drafted, even if men are. Sure it might never happen, but you never know. If becoming more equal means getting drafted, I have no interest in it. I'm not even a pacifist, I just don't want to die. Other

Nah, it's ok. This country isn't worth dying for for anyone. I doubt any country in the world is so good that it's worth dying for, for that matter. I hold no special empathy for anybody just ebcause they happen to live in the same country as I do, which got me a lot of shit after 9/11.

Meh, I'd rather be red than dead, or a murderer. How bad could the Chinese, or any other power that could challenge the USA, be?

In his mind, Nicholson totally had game there.

Yeah, whenever people are like "back in my day, stock car racing was so much better", I remind them of this. Of course it was arguably cooler when the cars weren't silhouette racers, but I'd rather not have people die.

See, I can actually get on board with your second paragraph. Do what you want. But don't pretend it's feminist when it's not. That's really my only problem. Everyone is entitled to the choices they want to make (within reason and the law, of course), but don't act like all your choices are the best. That's trying to

This is a for-profit site. They'll post stuff that people will click on. It's always funny to me how people forget that despite its feminist wallpaper, this site exists primarily to make Nick Denton an even richer man.

She may have made the right choice, but that doesn't mean it was a feminist choice. Sadly, for many underprivileged women, the feminist choice is often an impossible luxury.

How I finally became fed up with Jezebel and left for greener pastures

Nah, the AMX had a flush-mounted wire grille with round parking lights all the way to the end. See the pic.

What's so bad about American engines? They may be simple in construction, but they delivered world-class performance at the time. The Chevy small-block was actually quite advanced for its time. It's the results that matter.

Next year, they'll be shooting the exclusive "outer space" issue. In swimwear, of course.

They beat me to the punch by dying of liver failure and lung cancer, respectively. They didn't lead the most healthy lifestyle.