
I too figure as much, but tbh I'm not really quite sure what they were trying to do beyond gaining clicks through controversy.

Sah-weeet. I knew I had reason to like him.

That seems almost too good to be true, but then again why would she make that up?

Nooiiiiccceeee. As an avid D&D player, I'm always unreasonably delighted when famous people play D&D. Especially when it's people like Vin D. who's basically the exact opposite of all the stereotypes associated with the hobby.

What, like pen-and-paper D&D or is this some sort of acronym for something I'm not aware of?

So I'm just gonna claim the prize for week's daftest nitpick right here and say that it's spelled "Beemer" not "Beamer". Feel free to hate.

Funny, I dress pretty much like most of the women in the "after the switch" pics.

Ha, "unless Red Bull gets bored" is my new way of saying impossible/crazy things might just happen.

Until they fucked up something unrelated and it went down with 1000+ people. Not the best example, IMO.

Not complete immunity from prosecution, of course their extra-legal competences would have to be directly related to what they are supposed to do. Right to seize corporate property without having to jump through all the legal hoops, right to appoint leadership for the newly-formed small corporations etc.

I'm not saying we should abandon our democracy. But how much freedom would we lose if we selected a group of known anti-corporate experts who have proven their incorruptibility, for a pre-determined term, give them blanco legitimation and tell them "go wild on those big fuckers".

Here in the South, there's two types of steakhouse: old-school family-onwed steakhouses where people go to have steak and maybe a drink and then go home/elsewhere and crazy corporate man-cave dudebro playground chains, that also serve horrible steaks at prices that can't possibly get you a decent steak.

This is why I've been going to the same bar for close to a decade now, and it's just fine thank you. They don't have any pink or purple shit or even any interior design to speak of (everything that isn't the color of smoke-stained wood is black), but the patrons are content to be with their respective friends and not

It's my theory that most top athletes are psychos. A normal person just doesn't have the extreme obsession with success and narcicisstic drive it takes to become a world champion.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: to become a top athlete, you have to be a fucking psycho.

The argument against a trustbuster is always "but what will the corporations do then, they will just move overseas and our economy will tank".

I'm still not sure whether last year's debacle was just a really gross error in judgment - letting her weird personal preferences show in a public forum - or *tinfoil hat* whether it was an intentional bit of agitation to remove unwanted hardcore feminists from the site so that the following shift towards feminism

Yeah, why go through the trouble of making a removable unit? The kind of thief who steals car stereos is hardly a mastermind anyway.

I love that they put chicanes on every part of the course that could be called a straight. Can't let things get boring!

I don't get the pearl-clutching. Are people today really unable to differentiate between depicting something in art, and condoning it? Do filmmakers and authors really have to spell everything out these days? Is there really only room for morally pure protagonists who embody all the progressive ideals we believe in?