
These are certainly better than that fiasco with those hardcore porno valentine's cards we had last year (or was that in 2011?). I was pretty new to Jezebel then (didn't even have an account), but that pissed a whole lot of people off, I remember one moderator up and quit in a rather dramatic fashion.

I'm not usually callous, but when Roy (or was it Siegfried?) got his face mauled, I was like "no shit". I mean, years and years of being around tigers all the time and making the tigers do stuff they may or may not be up for, it was bound to happen.

Maybe she's a catalogue model?

Wait, people use blingees for romantic purposes? I always thought their sole purpose was to decorate 13-year-old "hardXcore stoner" myspace pages... ?

"Hey girl, I'm a sensitive boyyy!" (also a narcicisst douche, probably)

Yeah, that wasn't cool when those two German Vegas douchebags did it, it's not cool now.

On the plus side, he's openly agnostic, which has put him at odds with the GOP to the point that he no longer publicly supports them, maintaints a great relationship with his ex-wife (he was even invited and went to her wedding to Ashton Kutcher) and is by all accounts a great father.

Yeah, he's definitely a right-winger in terms of foreign policy and "small government" bs, but to his credit he's never come across as a bigot. He seems to be one of the few "live and let live" people who actually mean it as opposed to being secret bigots.

I agree with your sentiment, but I do find it a little funny that you seem to think owning six cars is a sign of bad character. It may not be the most progressive thing to do, but in the end it's no different from owning a huge closet full of shoes or lots of expensive dresses. There's plenty of famous people who are

While I don't think our esteemed writers are all that rich (except maybe Ray Wert now, but he doesn't write anymore so he doesn't count), I often have the impression that getting to drive insane supercars all the time skewers their perspective on what "expensive" is.

Yup. Sometimes, people need to know shit is not ok.

Everyone here seems to hate on the satin menswear, but as a woman with what I'm constantly made aware is super odd taste, I'd wear that.

These closets don't really do anything for me, but I do fawn over pics of rich people's garages. If I had crazy money, I'd probably still keep my clothes in a wardrobe, but I'd have a garage like Tony Stark in Iron Man.

I like it. Not too outlandish, but still very snazzy. I could see myself looking good in some of these designs.

Jesus Christ, can nobody detect sarcasm on this site anymore? I am obviously in no way special, and if you can afford a DeLorean, by all means buy one. What I said is akin to the people who say "I want that dress that celebrity X is wearing, bc I deserve it way more than her". It's a childish statement made in jest.

I meant that to be a bit of angry sarcasm born of the frustration that some people get what I likely will never have, bc they have money and I don't. But obviously it didn't translate well, and you're right, jealousy is embarrassing and petty and I made a fool of myself.

Only the British, makers of Dr Who, would name their space craft MUSTARD. Although I can't help but think that CUSTARD would have been even more appropriate.

I actually klicked on this without even reading the headline when I spotted the DeLorean in the thumbnail. Dogs or cute pop parodies aren't really my cup of tea, but I will reflexively click on anything that promises to have a DeLorean in it.

Does Nas still make music, or is he a professional moviegoer now? I really like his music, but I'm absolutely not sure if he's retired now or what. And yes I googled it (briefly).

This makes me all kinds of jealous. India is one of the places I definitely want to go to in my life.