
How hard would it be to up the engine's power to 220 or more hp? If you're not in one of the states with strict emissions laws that is.

Even worse is when the game designers assume everybody will want to play as a SEXAY young bombshell anyway and don't even give you the option to create a female character that looks different from that archetype. Back when graphics left much to the imagination it didn't really matter, but with today's high-res,

During my last years of highschool/my 2 years of college in the early to mid-90s, people who met me for the first time often assumed I was one of those bullshit "modesty" activists, because I dressed like them - long skirts, turtlenecks/white blouses and blazers in matching, boring-ass colors.

E24, for sure. 180hp is enough to cruise effortlessly, which is really what I'd want to do with it. I don't like the looks of the 8-series either, it has just enough of that 90s roundness to make it not quite appealing to me. Sharp creases all the way!

"...slacker white boys nagged by the PC thought police into suppressing their masculinity."

No wonder nobody does satire in America anymore.

Re: naked Ewan McGregor (this movie has Tilda Swinton and him boning like constantly)

That's tough titties for them!

We used to have these as company vehicles, albeit slightly later models (I'm a carpenter). Packed full with tools and workers, they were nearly impossible to recover from sudden changes of load.

Actually, we could do with a higher mortality rate:

No, sorry. Haven't you read the article? This guy's point is, among other things, that technology enables unsustainably high numbers of humans to survive, and by creating what he describes as "instability" - it makes people want things, because they seem possible.

Uh, helloo? Because blowing shit up is cool as fuck? And politics and activism are lame as hell? C4, whoo!

It doesn't - it just takes too long. Until everybody has caught up to levels of technology that will enable sustainable living without actually living like in the 19th century the damage will be done.

And this is, quite simply, while all the classic sci-fi stuff (spaceships, crazy high technology) will never be more than fiction. We just can't afford to ever build it.

That's such a bummer. Because I don't see how we can have both private internet and 19th-century levels of emission. I do like to drive my cars (did I say that out loud) but man, will I miss the internet.

Yet somehow they're the bad guys!

Terrorists win. I mean, I suppose it's possible terrorists blow up a train carrying chemicals or something in a populated area. Not very likely though.

Hell yeah, Jane's books! I'm a pacifist by all accounts, but for some weird reason I like to read about billion-dollar death machines.

That's because men can be mature human beings - many just don't want to bother.

The sound-effects, music and the narration are spot-on!