
How many train-hoppers are still around, though? I know all about that lifestyle from my favorite bands, but I thought train-hopping had gone the way of all the bands that sang about it (I mean it's gone, not that it's become a right-wing-pandering mess - Lynyrd Skynyrd, I'm looking at you!).

Funny, the only people I've ever seen in Carhartt clothes are skaters and lesbians.

According to the right, what sets America apart from the rest of the world is that Americans are not "a bunch of pagan losers".

Like I said, not saying that's what Fox meant. Just saying that this reminded me of things I hear all the time from relatives/relatives' friends. To be clear, these are people who, when presented with the idea that they might be/have been feminists go "OMG NO I LOVE MEN!", possibly adding something how they don't like

I don't think it's causing the collapse of society. If I did, I would have said "this needs to be illegal". It's not only "ew, blood" either. I have no problem with boxing, because that is quite obviously a sport - nobody fights like that. The artificialness of boxing makes it more than just "fighting". However, MMA

This card is not something I'd give a 13-year-old, but how about we don't patronize 13-year-olds as idiots who have no concept or sarcasm.

How does finding violence unpleasant make me John McCain? I'm not saying "women shouldn't be in MMA", I'm saying "violence is abhorrent and we should not celebrate it".

More like completely fucking barbarian. Yes, I don't have to watch it. But it's still bloodsport and in my opinion - no offense - if you think these kinds of displays of brutality are "awesome", that's fundamentally wrong. Violence is NOT awesome, period. The popularity of these fights contributes to the normalization

I'm sorry, but 250$? I don't have a dick so maybe I can't accurately gauge how much men would lvoe to have one of these dildos, but there are a LOT of things you can buy for 250 bucks that aren't this ridiculous.

Great for them. Women advancing is always a good thing, and if I like the field they're advancing in has no bearing on that.

As someone who has never even seen a MMA fight let me just say - holy shit they're allowed to break opponent's limbs on purpose? Or what does "breaks off her arm" mean?

You know, not to make light of prison rape, but sometimes you don't feel too bad it's still a widespread problem.

But it easily could be their face! You know, when abortion is outlawed and publicly expressing feminist sentiment is prosecuted. When that day comes, they'll regret being arguing for giving law enforcement ever more power.

I'm so sick of women being kickass and feminist, and then they dismiss it as their "rebellious phase", like omg can you believe I didn't want to be a stay at home mom back then, I actually wanted to WORK? And I kept being such a harpy to my bf at the time! Thank the LORDDDD I learned to embrace traditional values!

I get their sentiment, but in my eyes it hurts their point that they have to be so super dramatic about it. Yes, it's probably not a good toy. But most children will turn out fine despite it, because there's this thing called guidance you should give them and also this other thing called young adulthood where their

Note she specifically excluded Nerf guns and Super Soakers - which don't look exactly like real weapons like many toy guns do.

We'll see Roe v. Wade overturned in the next 10 years, you mark my fucking words. The exteme right has deep pockets, and an even deeper hate for liberated women and believe they are the only thing that stands between earth and God's wrath. They plan for the long-term, and despite all the efforts of the left, this

I have two cars and one has 90hp and the other 160, so I'm not partaking in the "arms race". However, if I had the cash to buy a new car, I wouldn't want one that does 0-60 in 10 seconds. If I spent all that money that a new car costs, I want more than just a car that is new. I want a car that drives noticeably

Holy shit, that is insanely expensive. I don't know, if gas got that expensive here, I'd expect the government to do something about it.

Welp, if only I had 18k. One day, I guess.