
Have you ever met a rich person?

Which is probably bordering on inacceptable for Europeans. Seeing how gas costs easily triple what it does here.

As I mentioned downthread, Germany has welfare programs that even to many Democrats would be unbearable. Sure, they all get their 1+ grand licenses - but really it's the state that pays for the poorer Germans. No way that's gonna fly here.

You should see the look my boyfriend gives me when I do this. It's the same look he gives people who insist that Dinosaurs never existed or that the Earth is really hollow.

Bad analogy, I admit. But if you start with a Mustang, and then proceed to change anything except the bodywork really to non-Mustang components, is it still a Mustang?

I was home sick recently, and I did a record 4.5-hour session of looking at car pics, of which about a full hour was devoted to above image. Google image search and flickr (which is awesome for looking at pics of classic cars!) are probably about 50% of my browser history.

Probably for the better, seeing how you cannot delete comments here.

Oversharing time: I used to have this nightmare where I shit myself in public. I have had some fucked-up nightmares in my time, but this has always been the one that got to me the most.

They got drones now... just sayin'.

Right? I mean, by the article's logic, a Fiero kit-car with a fibreglass body is a Ferrari.

Well, ain't you dudes just the best. Especially you, Mr Schwyzer you shining diamond.

Hey, I'm all for tougher license requirements and more mandatory driver's ed. But there would have to be some sort of financial assistance to people who both need a license and demonstrably cannot afford it.

Let's say a comprehensive driver's education like they have in Europe would add up to about 600-800$ if you don't screw up too much. That's money a lot of people don't have.

No it isn't. But we (and interest groups beyond our control) have made it so that you need a car to get anywhere that isn't inside a big city you're also living in. We have also made it so that many businesses depend on workers who get absolutely shitty wages (and those workers depend on those wages to not starve).

It doesn't look very dangerous, but then again babies are ridiculously fragile.

Yeah, but then the cost for a license would inevitably go up, and suddenly all the poor people in rural areas wouldn't be able to go to work anymore.

I actually think the lesser Aston Martins look better, not a fan of carbon fiber and big spoilers (dat rear spoiler) personally. It does look way more exciting than its sterile, snoozefest German competitors - SLS AMG aside - and a lot more sophisticated than its American competition, which looks a bit juvenile (I'd

Whitest person alive, hands down. That's a negative thing, in case you were wondering.

I don't want any sympathy. What bugs me is that I assume that's how they treat other customers as well. Unless they only get time-wasters, which may well be because I've only ever seen like 2 new Fiats on the street in Atlanta, and none anywhere else in GA. They don't seem to jive with what here want, i.e. trucks.

Ok so she isn't topless.