
I wonder if there exists a model of car that has never been photographed with a topless woman posing in front of it. A pre-war Rolls-Royce possibly?

Didn't know they had a Fiat dealership there! Well, it wasn't like I went to Atlanta only for the Fiats anyway - I'm not in the habit of subjecting myself to Atlanta's crazy congestion and even crazier drivers if I don't want to at least spend a night there.

That could well be. But there has to be a non-douchey way to do it. But apparently, no matter your gender, fewer and fewer sales people bother with that. It's like the newspaper vendors who get pissy at you for merely skipping through some of the magazines before buying - there is a legitimate interest behind it, but

Be honest: are looks a (not the) factor when you select potential partners? If not, I dare say you're really an extraordinary person. Because for most people it is - and what's wrong with that? After all, you're not just looking for a friend, but for someone who will, among other things, be your sexual partner. And if

COULD but likely won't. Not because you don't deserve it or anything like that. Simply because really beautiful people can have any partner they want, more or less. And for most people looks do factor into attraction level, big time. So they go for other really beautiful people.

Like you said, que sera, sera. But American buyers are very focused on value for money - and for the price of the Abarth, you can get cars with a lot more power.

I'll believe that he may have had actual, good reasons to try to sell me the regular 500. The way he went about it was completely unprofessional, though. Sure, you can't tell a customer "look, it would really be better for me and the dealership if you took the other model", but blatant sexism certainly isn't the way

Do you really think it comes from"high up"? I don't know, I doesn't seem like Fiat sells enough cars to be picky about who they sell them to. After all, a sale is a sale. Still doesn't excuse his condescending behavior, though. That's just unprofessional.

Nah, boyfriend of 6 years. Also, I'm not in Atlanta, but they don't have a Fiat dealership in Athens (or anywhere else in GA, probably).

Not to be all "get off my lawn!", but I have this theory that young sales personnel is especially prone to being bad at their jobs, because they were raised by parents who made everything about them in a culture that suggested the same, so when they're expected to be of service, their egos tend to get in the way.

You don't say!

Right? I mean, obvious douche-ness aside (his condenscending "I'm the expert, honey" tone doesn't come across in writing), you'd think in general selling a customer the most expensive model would be the name of the game? After all, over-selling some poor old shlub a car he doesn't need and can't really afford is the

They really don't think women will buy the Abarth, do they?

At first I thought Jerry Seinfeld was that sorta-similar-looking dude from The Big Bang Theory. I dunno if it's photoshop or his haircut or whatever, but dude looked older on his show than he does on that cover.

She still comes off as though she constantly has to prove that she isn't one of those boring earnest feminists and seems kind of hostile to traditional feminist ideas - did you read that article from yesterday (or was it the day before) where she was all "gotcha, stupid second wave sex-haters", with that impossibly

What can I say? Read my further comments below, I got real frustrated with some of the (editorial) stuff here and some other wholly unrelated shit and kind of unreasonably snapped. Doesn't make it any better but you can't delete comments here so they shall remain as a stain on my otherwise earnest and well-intentioned

Hey, sorry. I got caught up in some serious frustration here. Read the edit to my previous comment. I don't know what it is, but sometimes this site riles me up with some of the shit that flies here under the guise of progressive feminism (not directed at you, but that stupid sex advie column and that blatantly

Why don't you come back to me when you're not working in a sexist industry any more?

Oh yeah, let's make it about an inconsequential typo now. The problem is that acting like some naive, innocent kid who is oh so shocked by the big bad world on every possible occasion trivializes the truly horrible shit that goes on in this world.

Editors: are you or are you not sitting at your laptops and laughing about the reactions to this? Because it sure seems like the joke's on your readers.