
Oh, great you're one of those "not a feminist" women. Now what's wrong with being a feminist? Do you, like, believe it's about female supremacy or some such nonsense? The term's not inclusive of men? Are you an "egalitarian"?

What to do when you're "part of a boys's club":

What's so depressing is that even the supposedly progressive Jezebel editors are no exception to this. Well, Katie J. M. Baker, your whiteness is showing.

Hate to break it to ya, but Jezebel does disservices to feminism all the time. I don't like it either, but it can't be news to you?!

Haha, this really doesn't pertain to the topic, but this article reminded me that, what, 90% of Jezzies and target groups of non-stupid magazines in general work in offices and that I really have no concept of office life at all (unless it's really like on The Office).

They are in the sense that they are intended to be funny and lol so outrageous can you believe I wrote this haha imagine the asker's face right now?!

I dunno what they say, but I say it can sometimes make you lose control of your bowels, which tends to interrupt sex.

No, what he meant (and what the instrument designers meant) is that the number displayed is actual RPM divided by thousand.

Holy shir, that thing oozes class like an overflowing crystal scotch glass.

Hel-looo there.

Typical: I write a long, meaningful, thought-out comment, nobody cares. I make my dumbest throwaway pun since that time a friend of mine bought his new meat smoker, and I get a reply from an editor.

I think I'll give it a shot. Provided he puts in some sweet explosions this time (although one could argue Primer's plot structure was akin to an explosion.

When I think of "backdoor fantasy" I don't usually think of literature, but of media of a more visual nature.

He was "steeling" that car like he's steeling his abs. As we speak.

You must be reform.

Comment of... at least this week. That's how you do a pop-culture reference, folks.

I can kind of see a variant of that jacket being sold at some hipster crafts fair. Except it would be made from wool and the mesh would be made from re-purposed potato sacks.

"Some religious organizations... don't want compromise or a real separation between Church and State".

What is Jezebel's specific interest in getting women to like porn? Because this article is trying way too hard. It begins with the picture up top, showing Sasha Grey all glammed up and choosing a deliberately unflattering photo of Dworkin. Then using a fairly flawed study to prove a point. To the whole "gotcha!" tone

Chris Brown is a huge asshole no doubt, and his replies to Johnson just show the magnitude of his misogyny. I feel kind of weird being pro-Jenny Johnson though. Despite being regularly featured in tweet beat, she's kind of an ass herself.