
Well, a limited-to-10,000-units homologation special of the first-gen March, but yeah. It remains the most powerful March to this day.

Yo Torch, I'm real happy for you and Imma let you finish, but the first gen March had one of the best models of all time!

That's some manchild shit right there.

I thought it was commonly known as the female equivalent to "rock out with your cock out".

I have to admit I'd probably be very apprehensive at first if someone handed me the keys to this car. The fastest thing I've ever driven was a V8 Mustang. After some intitial careful establishing of its limits, it wasn't too hard to handle, but the Viper is another thing altogether I presume.

Must be such a riot to drive. It's very different from what I usually lust after, but a hoot is a hoot. As a woman, I have absolutely zero balls, but if given the chance I think after being a little intimidated at first, this could well make me jam out with my clam out. I'd only drive it somewhere with big gravel

At least the Honda probably doesn't rust as we speak.

Ooh, I always wanted to be like her back then. I was obsessed with The X-Files, and that's no exaggeration. I spent crazy money on my dial-up internet connection discussing the potential significance of every little detail on the show in usenet newsgroups back before flat rates were a thing. AOL made a killing off me

Yeah, her whiteness kinda showed there.

Yeah, and to be honest the six and the auto are a good match. Now, a 16v 190E - definitely has to be a manual. But the six is really made for cultivated cruising and the (really very good) auto fits that well.

That's a hard decision for sure. After all, if the lust for manual shifting really overcomes me, I always have my other car. Nothing like curve-hunting in a 90-odd hp French coupe with body roll like a drunk sailor.

Yeah, but just how limited was your budget? I could have had a nice manual Benz for 4k+, but not only is that price a typical dealer's pipe dream, I also couldn't afford it. What ultimately made me decide in favor of the car was the incredibly anal, everything-documented maintenance regimen the pervious owner had

That Tupac "target" pun was rather tasteless IMO. C'mon Ms. Maynard you can do better!

Yeah, you never know. The Chevy Citation & co. was hailed by many as the best thing since sliced bread and we all know how that turned out.

When buying new, I definitely agree with you. But when buying used, especially an older car, sometimes the automatic is just something you accept. I have a manually-shifted Renault Fuego. It is no performance car by any measure, but I like shifting my own gears, (even though at 12 seconds to 60 it's a rather quaint

If you have one of those friends who thinks they are too cool for classic rock, this song is one the best to show them the error of their ways. If have yet to meet somebody who can listen to this song and not at lest start tapping their feet. It's also a great lovemaking song.

I agree, screw the Flaming Lips, Radiohead and all other bands who think that being artsy and having a grand concept means you don't have to come up with good tunes. Fundamentally, music is rhythms and melodies and if you don't get the foundations right, no amount of avant-garde provocation can make up for it.

Butch lesbians already did it back in the 80s when Pink was still a goddamn baby. Oh, I forgot, it's not a thing until famous heterosexuals do it.

Was gonna say the same thing. If I had a non-published pic of Salinger, possibly even one of him in his later years, I'd sell that sumbitch to the highest bidder (probably TIME) and then a Ford wouldn't be what I'd buy for sure!