In order to load the crashed vehicle onto the flatbed, officers apparently had to obtain "technical instructions" in how to turn off the Model S.

IMG, nice article, but you forgot one other great thing about Champagne/ sparklers, which is how they pair with certain foods.

The glove fits, bad news for Aaron.

There were a lot of things that we learned about the collector,[...] that made us very concerned and very suspicious about what could have actually happened

Maybe Bob Lutz would like to trade up from his MiG-19

Maybe Bob Lutz would like to trade up from his MiG-19

I'd even gotten the car completely sideways with a customer riding shotgun on Michigan Drive in Chicago. We'd had 3 and 4 a.m. photo shoots in some of the more colorful back alleys of Williamsburg and Harlem in NYC that could have gone horribly wrong, but somehow didn't.

Isn't this post about 7 hours early?

Also Carlos Marmol (BOOOOOOO) got the win.

Born from jets, indeed.

Good to see the NCAA embracing the "you can play" initiative, at least in its early round games basketball tournament coverage.

thats 7 speed manual wagon vette

Its a TFT display, so it can show Oil Temp, or basically what ever else the driver wants to see or Chevy wants to show

With a DVR, F1 makes for perfect Sunday brunch material for a Central US Time zone resident.

Nice Touch SRT PR team, although I'm not sure your boss, Lucca, will be amused

It is admittedly a bit contrived, but, before DRS came in to existence last year, you were lucky to see 1 or 2 non-pit related passes in a race. Not one or 2 for the lead, 1 or 2 per race, so the 'show' did need some livening (to say the least). Also, the cars are aerodynamically designed to cut through the air,

So Craig James is a bit less than half as popular in Texas as Santorum. Sounds right.

Now playing

Pat Bedard (the Car and Driver columnist) at the 1984 Indianapolis 500 fits the description for me. While he did not technically walk away (he had a concussion and a broken wrist and jaw), the injuries were amazingly minor from a crash from crash from nearly 30 years ago (when Indy walls were pure concrete, and there

Probably that because the GT was built fast (about 18 months from the time Ford decided to build it and its launch), the drive train was well and truly overbuilt (as they didnt have time to do anything else). It was so overbuilt that that the power could be increased (here tripled) without a lot of things breaking.

The reason why the Ford engineers were wearing helmets was that they need their brains to do their job.