Captain Lou

For what it's worth, as a Giants fan I think the they made the right call from a baseball personnel standpoint with respect to Melky. In truth, I think the Melky suspension really cut the Giants organization deeply. He tried to deceive the Giants from top to bottom at every turn after testing positive. The fake


Clearly Solo has a case of diuretic of the mouth.

It shoulda been you dog, it shoulda been you.

Can't wait for the creepy Nike commercial where Earl Woods asks Joe Paterno what he was thinking and if he learned anything.

Ty "The Grand Wizard" Cobb

So, if I give you a +1, does that imply that I looked at the second picture? Ah, to hell with it.


To the gentleman behind the score chyron, a shot of penicillin might help clear that up.

Don't forget that the Suns packaged a first round pick along with Dragic to get 25 games out of Brooks.

In a nutshell, this is everything wrong with TWWL. Six years ago, they absolutely nailed it with the secondary team of Brad Nessler, pre-MNF Jaws and Dick Vermeil. I still remember their call of that game because they were awesome - totally organic, no forced conversations and they let the game be center stage.

Wise: "Why yes Blue, I did catch the ball."

This is the Gawker Media equivalent of Microsoft introducing the Ribbon User Interface in the Office suite (elimination of shortcuts = elimination of star, etc). We've grown accustomed to reading and commenting on threads in a certain way and the new format changes all of that (too much damned clicking). I guess what

In a related story, Dana Jacobson has been working on her knuckleball and expects to contend for the 2013 Cy Young Award.

Shiancosaurus, hands (third leg?) down

Now playing

To the funniest group of anonymous people in my life, Godspeed.

Nicely done. Totally missed that thread.

Anyone out there take a screen capture of their starred DS profile, crop the image such that the profile picture includes said star and plan on using that starting tomorrow in their profile? No one? Didn't think so. I didn't either......

An obscure one, but The Meadowlands, The Wrens.

Holy crap, I never knew there was a medical name for my funky toe lengths. Buying shoes is a total pain in the ass. It's also the reason why my custom fit, foam filled, super expensive ski boots are the most comfortable set of footwear I own.