
His IG story yesterday showed them bobbing in the water in the garage before they floated out and he now has pictures of the cars in their final resting places after the water receded.

Not a climate denier - but if they wont insure us, then the only people who will buy houses are the people who can pay cash. All mortgages will require insurance. If you think there is a housing crisis now, wait until no can get a mortgage here.

Isnt Wendy’s crispy chicken sandwich pretty much the same. And because of eating these in school, I now just want my Wendy’s version with just ketchup.

So does it prompt you to unlock incognito tabs immediately upon opening Chrome - that seems like it kinda defeats the purpose. Sure someone wouldn’t know what you are looking at in incognito, but they would know you are using incognito and they just can’t see what you’re using it for.

I cant speak to whether it was updated after you posted, but in the final paragraph the quote from the decedent’s attorney mentions it was within three days after arriving at the facility.

It is disgusting that she needs to make the payment, but does the rapists family have to request the payment or is it just state law that it has to be paid to the family, whether they want it or not. If they are not asking for it, then the correct thing to do is give it back or, if that is not allowed, donate it in

I’ve had a Pixel XL, 3a XL, 4a5g, and now 6a. Loved them all from time I got them except 6a. The in-screen fingerprint sensor takes too many taps to work and is not getting better with updates, and whiel everyone else likes the batter it must not be good for my use set because I am at 20% by the time I’m getting home

I tailgate Hurricanes games at that stadium and have seen tons of people collapse their charcoal grill down to the ground and slide it under their car, I guess in hopes that it wont be as obvious for someone to come by and steal, but I have never seen this happen before.

I assume they meant charcoal

same with the card number

Mine will occasioanally warn me in traffic or even apply brakes if it thinks I’m closing up to a car under braking, but not braking as quickly as the computer would like, but thankfully it doesn’t lock up the brakes to the point I have to go through the process of putting in park then drive while actually on the road.

For me, it is too sensitive and if I am pulling into someone’s yard/driveway and there is a bit of dip right as you come off the road it will think the raised ground directly in front of the bumper is an obstruction and kick in. Has happened pulling up to parking blocks in parking lots too. Means I have to put the car

I guess I jinxed myself, when I went to lunch just now I had my first inability to connect to the dongle.

The car screen works fine, I mean it blacks out my actual phone screen which I occasionally need to check.

Does it not have garage remote buttons built in that can be programmed to control your garage? I wish I could could program mine to control my complex gate instead of the garage I dont use.

Same. The Motorola dongle has been a godsend for me, though I havent had any issues with the connection, but occasionally it blacks out my screen and I have to raise/lower volume to get something onscreen to allow me to unlock the phone (stupid in screen fingerprint reader)

Agreed - given the two I give it to consumers, I just dont think it will actually matter after everything we have seen from companies recently.

If you’re in Florida, this is how:

I agree with your points - but the counter is you end up with college tuition conundrum. If the big companies know everyone is getting free money from the government, they will just raise their prices to make sure they benefit too. I’m not sure how to make it work, but I definitely prefer giving it to the people who

They didn’t say it was insurance fraud, just that it had insurance. I don’t need to feel bad since this person will be made whole because they have insurance.