
You think tickets in Austin were bad? There is no general admission for Miami (at least they haven’t announced it yet). The prices I am seeing are $2,000+ for 3-day pass and still over $1,500 for just Sunday.

I was going to say what about people who don’t use iPhones or iPads, but I forgot you can technically use iTunes even without using any Apple products. Does anybody do that though?

I know this is not the point of the story, but I can’t help but ask:

Does this mean everyone has to stay 8 feet from a cop during an encounter, or just people recording? Is the cop not scared to arrest someone with non-recording people around, but as soon as the camera comes out that person is a threat? I want those politicians to explain the distinction to me.

Know nothing about either of these people as I don’t live in Illinois, but generally, don’t you want your politician beholden to their political base? I get criticizing being beholden to his cronies, but does he mean something different when he says political base? Is that not just voters? Isn’t the goal to do what

We’ve picked up a lot of wealthy NYers who were probably voting red (for whatever that was worth in NY) and may help counter some of the dying Rs here.

I am only one who keeps reading the title as fuRRy-pegging?

The only time I feel like teaching someone a lesson while driving is someone going the exact speed limit or below in the left lane. They aren’t driving aggressively, they are just not paying attention. I just want to get in front of them and slow down until they get frustrated and get out of the left lane, at which

had not heard about the reboot, so thanks for that.

Eh, my dad loves coffee, tries it everywhere. Refuses to drink Starbucks because “it tastes burnt.”

I mean at least here in Miami, the joke is turn signals are sign of weakness, and considering how often they are used (or not used) it would seem most people believe it.

I’m at that point with my senior dog, but for some reason she just prefers to lay directly on the floor (vinyl laminate) instead of the soft rugs or beds placed periodically throughout the house. Clipping her nails helped*, but I’m probably going to have to go back to giving her booties so she has traction on her back

In recent history, not that I can remember. But Tony Boselli may get into the HoF and it would be as a Jaguar (albeit he retired in 2002, so again not in recent history).

The issue is if you think more police is the answer. If you are worried about homelessness, give them somewhere to stay so they dont have to seek cover in a shop front door. If you are worried about people stealing cheap shit, give people the basics so they don’t need to. Will some crime still happen, of course, but

You’re all crazy - if its below 70F I’m not getting in (spent my whole life in Miami and I am a baby about cold water)

I mean I’m not sure about most of that, but as to time zones - other than China Japan, and Malaysia, watching in the US is easy. Honestly its a great lead in to football on Sunday (honestly the races in the US/Mexico/South America are the ones that interfere with other sports here since they are in the afternoon on

I always thought felony murder was when “anyone” dies during the commission of the felony.

In regard to how next week has to go, maybe I am misunderstanding something, but doesn’t Hamilton just have to finish ahead of Verstappen (and score a point). He doesnt have to outright win.

The pink section would be the only section missing if I bothered to buy neopolitan ice cream - vanilla is boring and I hate chocolate.

Further proof its different everywhere, in Miami assessed value and market value are are separate amounts. If it is your home, assessed value cannot increase more than 3% per year. For investment property cannot increase more than 10% per year. But the county is absolutely checking and reassessing all the time. Plus,