
Had no idea who she was when Michael tweeted out that picture of her with the gun, and him asking for wrong answers only didn’t help (but the wrong answers did make me laugh).

I just end up watching IG Reels instead of downloading a new app. And so much of Reels is just Tiktok content anyway.

Can’t tell if you’re serious, but if so, Zelle is just built into most bank’s apps. If I need to send someone funds through Zelle, I open my personal bank’s app and use the Zelle transfer option. From what I understand it was the big banks attempt to take back some of the money transferring business from Paypal/Venmo

See that’s why I’m look at P6P - AT&T is offering higher trade in values if you go with P6P, whereas regular P6 trade in values are nothing special.

If “victim” presupposes guilt of the accused, then “arsonist” or looter” presupposes guilt of the victims. Unless they are going to separately try the victims (and the only only one you could do that to is the one who survived) for those crimes and get a conviction the defense should not be allowed to use those terms.

I am hoping the stadium will be general admission, like you can walk the outside concourses which overlook most of the track, or sit in the seats inside the stadium and watch the race on the 4 jumbotrons.

Or, you know, just stick to surface streets if you are uncomfortable going quickly. If you’re only going to go 45, that is not much faster than most of the larger surface streets from speed limit perspective, and if you dont mind driving slowly and safely, then stop lights probably aren’t an issue for you either.

I am very curious to see how that will work in Miami. The Hard Rock site isn’t designed for long lines like that (and I am dreading the traffic to get in, as is they are getting rid of a bunch of the onsite parking for the track itself). I’m just hoping the stadium will be open and part of GA so I can walk the upper

How long would it last powering a TV, 30" fan (think orange home depot fan), and a yard inflatable? I would happily swap this for loud generator when tailgating.


Do you think he’ll run again for Gov.? I think he has higher sights. But maybe that depends on whether the other guy runs.

Not soon enough.

Will they at least be telling the other parents in the class that Child A came in contact with a CV-19 positive individual, his/her parents desire to send their child to school anyway, and also have chosen not to have their child tested. If the school told me that, my hypothetical child would be staying home for a few

Like, he could absolutely say I do not believe in mandates, but I believe in the vaccine. That supports science, helps people, and can conceivable be viewed as supporting DeSantis’ anti-mandate platform. I’m sure DeSantis has been vaxxed so his issue is making it a requirement. This doctor could be saving lives by at

I feel like the van being hers is a big deal. How is/was he explaining that he just kept her van?

When my wife goes back to DR to visit her family her mother tells her she has lost her aggressiveness by driving in the US. When I visited, I didn’t understand how you’re ever supposed to cross a street when no one ever stops. Apparently they just stick their nose and its understood everyone else has to stop.

Florida stopped putting counties on our plates - wonder is this is part of the reason.

probably sounds too much like infinity stones so they wanted something different for casual viewers.

I loved it, but I wonder if they are hearing complaints from parents who want to take kids, but that’s a lot of reading and some may not be able to read fast enough to handle captions. I went with my brother-in-law and his kids, one of whom is 7. I didnt ask how she felt about the movie, but I have seen her read out