
I don't get it. Is there something wrong with middle-aged white women doing things that make them healthier?

Yes, it says who he is right on the cover.

It does when they're religious.

Your misery is temporary. Anyone can be happy when they know it's going to end.

Because it is? It's the same woman a little over a decade apart.

It's from 1975, but it's also not the only meditation cover people found. There are 4 so far. Two white blonde women, 1 black haired WoC and 1 black haired MoC.

Both the clergy and politicians rank in the top 10 career choices for sociopaths. This guy is both...

No, that's a white, blonde woman! David Gelles says so!

Except that it's not true.


No, this doesn't happen every day in the US. We do not have town councils who order gang rapes.

I hope these women win millions.

Or to make your phone easier to use as a PDA. I know, shocking that people do more with these things than just chat on the phone, right?

The Nexus(2013) is a sluggish turd next to the iPad mini(2013)

Hey genius, Android outsells IOS in every country, including the U.S.

A 5 foot phone? Well, at least then they could truthfully claim Apple was innovating...

A 5 inch phone WAS too big when the resolution was very, very low. It looked bad.

That was a pretty piss-poor attempt at deflection. Come on, you can do better.

Because people talk endlessly about how much they love their big screens. And I'm one of them. My nexus 5 is gorgeous. I could never go back to an iphone.

Except that you can still buy small cars AND people absolutely love bigger screens, so your theory falls apart.