I guess this was POLICE GUIDED. And everyone knows what happens when there is a cop car doing the speed limit on the freeway. Yup that's right its the international pace car of the world, NO ONE PASSES HIM. HATERS GOING TO HATE

Listen its annoying but when 400 bikes being guided by a police escort its going to create traffic. When there is traffic leading into a concert/amusement park/major employer am I allowed to dismiss there safety because there asshats and not all lined up in one lane? If this was a group of something less doushey (war

Crowded like when there are 400 bikes on the road? Maybe a semi was passing another semi in front of all this. It just happens that you can group all the bikers together so they must be at fault (statistically speaking good logic but not fair).

Umm it sucks that the bikes took up two lane but that's life? Fucking truckers do this shit all the time. Doesn't mean the Volvo can go driving in the grass all willynilly and nearly kill a heard of people. If i was one of those bikers i would have stopped, called the police, and presented the video. 100% volvo's

Soo good. Sooooo good


Yeah, your point is valid but jalopnik used to do it so the expectation is there. Honestly Jalopnik didnt ruin it for me this time but i thought i would voice my concern because i know there will be a time that i cant watch the race until much later. I can avoid other sites but jalopnik is one of those internet

I dont understand why jalopnik doesnt try to aid those who DVR races. Just put spoiler alert as the title. Simple enough?

wts i didnt realize you were the fsae how to guide guy til now.

yeah i noticed that. i wasnt trying to revoke your post just thought you might be interested in where it is. Cool drive but by far not the best in colorado

Hines Drive in Dearborn is as good as SE Michigan gets. Aka turrible

Love the pic

here is the link to the google maps of it

loveland pass for sure.

I think i like it because its sweet. I also like to rot my teeth out on makers mark. Bet you hate that

would much rather be drinking some 

would rock that flask for $75 

When you do it call me and ill buy you a beer. Until then no beer for you

No you couldnt. 

Awesome. I couldnt help but laugh everytime i heard the car but in a good way. Very cool. Way to follow through and "finish" this car. With car projects its soo easy to get sucked into the little bullshit and never finish the project (trust me i know) and never have the joy of driving it.