
Plenty of experience jumping out of the way of Laura careening drunkenly out of control in the driveway.

Wow, that has to be worth like $1.42 on the open market.

So just like a #1 pick for the Sixers.

Seeing McCann in the foreground made me so happy. Imagining him raging inside about the impropriety of it all. The ruination of the game he had devoted his life to creating, shedding blood to do so. Sadly it isn’t the real McCann. I will not google further and will continue with the full assurance that they are

Wow, I’m beating Phil Mickelson through 15 holes. I’ve never played so well in my life and he is spraying shots all over the place. What the hell, I’m going bet my house and 401k that I can hold him off for the last 3 holes.

Looks like he was done 2 years ago

You aren’t worth responding to if you don’t think Covington is a starter on a good team

Covington is #21 in Real Plus Minus. Put him on the Cavs and he is in the all-star game and a possible finals MVP. Not a bench rotation guy. Saric may be a bench guy, McConnell is a bench guy. That isn’t a problem, you win with guys like that on your bench

Every singly team in the NBA would do backflips to get Embiid. But discount him. Same with Simmons. It doesn’t matter that Simmons hasn’t played, it matters that he will.

Simmons, Embiid, Saric, Covington, TJ, TLC, Holmes on the current roster. Sixers pick, Lakers pick, Kings pick. Even if half of those future top 5 picks/Simmons can’t play, that is 8 deep. Obviously 13 was an exaggeration, but 8 is real

No they aren’t. Not even close. You are without a clue. Okafor is a fat piece of shit that can’t play a lick. Noel is showing his worth after dumbass Jello traded him for a fake first. Noel will make all defensive NBA teams, Embiid has GOAT stuff. Fucking DWade and Rondo. Really, get a clue.

Wait, let me get this straight. You are saying that having D-Wade and Rondo is a good thing. OMFG. Time travel is real!!!!!

Brogdon? You know that he is pimple on Embiid’s ass? Nor is he as good as Saric and he couldn’t start for the Sixers.

Yeah, Simmons is hypothetical. He can’t play. Do you watch basketball bro? Eveything two years from now is hypothetical. Will Simmons be healthy? Will Giannis? Will Kawhi? Who the hell knows, but you load a team with 13 guys that can play and you take your chances.

The top 2 candidates for rookie of the year aren’t playing. One played at a near MVP level. And they also have the #3 candidate for rookie of the year. In January they were aiming towards the playoffs. You sound like the kind of guy that thinks Jello is doing a good job.

But they don’t suck ass. They are close enough to decent and entertaining.

What a tragedy to die from a marijauana overdose. It happended to me in 1985.

Hey doc, can you look at this picture, can you make me as big as this guy?

I’d like to think that he’d hunt down George Karl at that time.