
Mr Fuckface thank you very much

Also a thing when hanging out with the Cos

Absolutely no reason for these to be anonymous. Be a journalist

Better than not having that massive coronary

Failed human

I hope that in Trump’s ‘Merica you are fired and are on welfare. And the shitty Republican version of welfare.

Nerleans will be a defensive MVP of the NBA so he probably shouldn’t be on this list.

Mr Harrison with a lead pipe in the conservatory

I thought he was clear when he said he can’t find that store.

Uncle Tom?

Came to call Jordan a shitbag. Thanks for saving me the time. Life was better when I could ignore him by not going to gawker. Somebody needs to come up with a chrome add on to block Hamilton and Sargent.

His name was Jonas

He was the only one in kindergarten that drove himself to school

Did you ride your bike to courthouse?

Do people actually read Jordan Sargent? He should be permanently ignored.


If you make it through all 23 items, you are sober and have too much fucking time

Do athletes sign a waiver giving teams the ability to disclose medical information?

If only the Clips were still there.

Uhhhh, those aren’t his birth parents.