
I'm rather horrified & offended that School Shooter is being compared with Super Columbine Massacre RPG. SCMRPG was an exploration/look into the shooting and the factors that contributed to it in interactive form in order to help bring understanding into what happened. Unlike School Shooter it was not by ANY means an

Her insistence that everything should be questioned really overlooks the small detail that we have to question the questioners, too.

As a current soldier (and without getting bogged down into too much rhetoric and debate) I think there should be a delineation between soldiers, and The Military. Soldiers are the ones you see huddled around a generator-powered television set in an undisclosed location in Southwest/east Asia. And while I can't speak

Strangely, because I spend a lot of money on games, is what caused me to not really care about achievements. Sure, I like the funny little names that pop up when I do something dope in a game. As for the points though, I buy so many games and always play the first level at least, so my gamer score is through the roof.

The joke was that the parents aren't oblivious at all. But the coach was. He couldn't see the reason why anybody would be upset with him wanting to take his middle school team to eat wings and stare at boobs. The parents were right for being pissed.

I know the Out of the Park series has been doing this for years with their franchise mode. I hope Football Manager brings in this kind of feature too.

They just got

You must have gotten the only fucked up copy on the planet then cause mine works just fine, and so does my roommate's....The only irritating this is these fuckers put out 1 game this year and couldn't even manage to do it properly since NOBODY who ordered collector's editions on PS3 actually got them from anywhere

I'm guessing that if you were one of the relatives of these ~149 people who were killed due to street racing, you wouldn't be so cavalier in your attitude. May be a drop in the bucket to you, but I assure you, it's not a drop in the bucket to relatives, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed this way.

If you don't see what happened, you don't make assumptions about what happened. That's common sense 101.

saw the video now i looked at the wrong spot but it looks like the guy is janking at the passenger side door. floor it and get the F out of there he was totally justified i was wrong i get to wear the dog head today. even if i dont agree that these guys deserv the deathpenalty as so many tend to insinuate although as

Yeah how are we going to find a screwdriver with X, square, circle and triangle on it?

Will we get Combat Carl?

I think the intent is to check to see if these cyclists are legally allowed to ride. The biker who got paralyzed in that SUV incident had no license since 1999 and had been prohibited from getting a license until 2015 (IIRC). Also, verifying the registration of the bike is a good thing, as motorcycles have

How is this targeting anyone on a motorcycle? The quote is pretty clear "anything over five over the speed limit - you guys are going to get stopped." It is targeting people that are breaking the law, which is kind of what a cop's job is. A law-abiding rider isn't going to be affected by a rule that only targets

I have a question.

The phrase you're looking for is " for all intents and purposes," not "for all intensive purposes." Intensive purposes? That doesn't make sense. The true phrase, intents and purposes, makes sense but is redundant (that is, it makes sense until you remember that "intents" and "purposes" are the same dang thing).

I love how aparently EVERYONE in Kotaku are complete experts and could tell both of them were fake in a fraction of second. These renders are impressive, and one hell of a job.

I found "Are you ok?" to be the one that sets me off. My father passed on the 13th and his funeral was today. Of course I am not ok, lets avoid the stupid questions and move along.

My dad's death back in 2009 was much easier to deal with than my mom's death last year. He had early-onset Alzheimer's — diagnosed at age 55 and died at 66, though the cause of death was actually ALS (the Alzheimer's "masked" the ALS symptoms, so it wasn't diagnosed until shortly before his death). The reason his