
I do not own an Xbox one.

There are plenty of worse times the injury could have occurred. What if he was on a highwire between two buildings? 

Aw buddy, you must be new here. 


Actually, Bungie split from Microsoft in 2007. Part of the deal was that they’d make two more Halo games (ODST and Reach) during the first few years of their independence.

I don’t see this as convoluted at all. You unlock mods and then you can use them on any armor, which sounds much better than running the raid over and over and over in the hopes of getting a helmet with Enhanced Hand Cannon Targeting. 

*raises hand*

If you’re an adult you shouldn’t need to “justify” your purchases. Some people just have more disposable money than others.

When someone buys their fourth car, no one asks if that 30,000$ purchase was justified. It’s a hobby. Chill :) 

*laughs in modded java edition*

When a multibillion dollar company can’t do what a 10 year old kid can do at home with mods.

i will always star (door flies open).  A man has to have a code.

(door flies open)

Did you have to go full asshole on him at the end of your reply?

Unique circumstances”

What about Mark Davis’ helmet though? 

So, does the NFL do anything at all to help out a player having a mental health crisis or are they just on their own for that?

I’m going to play devil’s advocate for a moment, but to be clear, I like the removal of the mini-map. Love mini-maps as a way to track exploration, find them to be a focus stealing distraction in competitive games.
