
If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

I thought Carrey was going to go off on one of his trademark batshit insane rambling tangents, but he has a very valid point here. There are many franchises that would be ruined beyond repair if the creators let fan response dictate creative decisions.

In the abstract... I don’t disagree.

Design meeting:

What should the failure mode be for the wave generator?”
“Nothing, it should just die quietly and stop functioning.”
“We could do that. Or.. and hear me out on this one...”

I don’t think it was “deep as a puddle” The dungeons were interesting and the towns had their own stuff happening in them. There is a TON of space between locations though.


That one sailed further over your head then his last toss as an Indian 

I think Mr. Bottle is commenting on Bauer’s usual Twitter response when people call him on his combative shit, which is “I’m not mad, bro, I’m laughing at you guys for getting angry.”

I want to get off MR BONES WILD RIDE

I want to get off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride

According to baseball’s unwritten rules, Bauer now has to throw at himself in his next appearance

To compensate, he should get a Winnie the Pooh patch. 

Your guarantee isn't worth the time it took you to write out. You should be sent to the greys, trash. 

Oh please dude. Just because you're not having a problem and are a Nintendo slave doesn't other people don't deserve a solution. I don't have the issue either but I can admit there is OBVIOUSLY a problem.

Dust you say?!?!?

The controllers are fine. There’s some dust or dirt that got inside them.

Man, you’re so smart, of course not one person out of all the people experiencing this issue have tried to fix it with simple remedies. Or have tried cleaning it after taking it apart.  They’ve all just sat around and complained without researching the problem.

So like many Nintendo problems before it can be solved by blowing on it?

Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.