
Syracuse tends to run both the unorthodox zone defense and pick and flick offense.

Bad times to be a horse.

This kind of had me up until the Portal part. Can’t tell if this is a satire post now.

Love... Shaq?

Not only beat me to it, but did a better job of it.

“Green kicked the third quarter off...”

Oh do I see what you did there. 

And people say Blake Griffin is a bad role model.

I can only usually eyeball distances up to 685mm.

I can’t believe Trump would talk about his daughter in front of others like this.

She was just absolutely head over heels about making it to first base.

Man, someone really took their time to make an account just to defend this asshole.

It’s like a terrible remake of Billy Madison but this time I’m rooting against the main character.

Have you ever met someone from Wisconsin? Cheese is in their blood, and that puts a lot of meat on their bones.

I laughed so goddamn hard at this.

Well this ruins Pokémon for me.

They don’t have HD in South Carolina yet?

Would be more punishing if they kept their draft picks to acquire junk anyway.

The only thing Nintendo sends out nowadays are cease and desist orders.

Oh man, that video kept me on my toes. First it’s portrait, then landscape. I wonder what he’ll post next!