
I don’t know. I know she had dark hair and olive skin in the book, but her sister was still described as blonde. I always pictured someone Italian-ish or Spanish.

Loved that book as a kid, though hazy on details now.

I’m enjoying it too. I’m surprised that so many people hate her. She does say a lot of insane things, but I don’t get the sense that she MEANS them, if you know what I mean. She uses stereotypes for humor, but I don’t think she actually believes them or bears ill will towards other people. I think she just likes

I just watched that one and I think by the end she does learn something. I got the impression (or hope) that the sit down with all the heads of ant-discrimination groups was early in the process, since it was uncomfortable to watch and she was intentionally dense. The tech one was awful for the same reason. But she

Since the article mentioned that the foster parents were also raising the deadbeat dad’s son, who he also gave up, I think they know who the baby’s father is and know it’s not Sara’s father. It sounds like this dad has gone around impregnating and then abandoning kids willy nilly. In terms of the investigation when

I was mainly using it when I was out of the city, using cabs that don’t take credit cards. And even in Brooklyn, the last car service I took that took credit cards charged a kind of big fee for it. I’m poor. The fact that uber made cc use easy and didn’t tack on a big fee was a plus. Though if they’re screwing over

Yeah, there never used to be a tip option (unless that’s changed). The first time I rode I tried to see if there was a button anywhere to add a tip, but couldn’t find anything so I assumed that tips weren’t necessary and they were built in. The whole reason I ride uber instead of take cabs is b/c I don’t carry cash,

Anything by P.G.Wodehouse, really, and a lot of his stuff is out of copyright so you can get it from Amazon for kindle for free.

Uh huh. Yep. Someone posted this gem on Facebook and I almost can’t believe it’s real.

It really feels like there is a war on women, and we always have to pushing back. It’s exhausting. Has anyone on Jezebel seen this one yet? Another infuriating attempt to silence women -

I hate myself for loving this that much. This is now the wedding I want.

Apparently it was a doctor who told them to switch from a cow-milk based formula, since their kid was reacting to it. The original article says the child drank a cow-milk based formula for the first 2 months of life then switched. It’s also unclear whether the baby then drank just almond milk or an almond milk based

I mean, I’ve always said I wished someone would pay me to travel. I just never thought those someones should be my friends and families who have bills of their own.

My two cents: I’d be less annoyed by this then by the vacations/study abroads. It was a genuinely unforeseen expense that even a responsible pet owner couldn’t have foreseen before adopting. Plus, people love puppies. If you were my friend I might or might not contribute (got my own bills!) but I wouldn’t think it was

I roll my eyes so hard at that. I studied abroad twice, and both times I busted my ass to save my own money for it. I didn’t even hit up my parents for anything beyond the initial plane ticket. Both times I tutored English/babysat while I lived abroad. It irritates me to no end that people expect to just be handed

I think she may be wearing sandels. Hard to tell.

I’m sorry what you’ve gone through. People suck. I’m glad things have gotten better for you.

Well, I certainly agree that society does its best to indoctrinate kids. I don’t like that much either. It just feels like changing this child’s name and making their gender such a big deal locks them in, or puts pressure on them, in a way that might make it hard for them to change their mind later. Kids want to

I believe in giving children the freedom to explore and experiment and become who they were meant to be, not putting them in a box this early in life. If this child grows up to be female, or male, that is fine. As long as they are loved. But the original commentator made comments, later expanded upon, that indicated

Thank you. Slightly disturbed that the original writer equates preferring “girl” toys and dresses with being a girl. That’s not what makes a girl a girl, just as tonka trucks and overalls don’t make a boy a boy. Plenty of boys love dresses and barbies, plenty of girls love cars and mud. I’m hoping that if her child