
Yeah, seconded. I don’t know that I could live in the country (never have) but I have friends who live more rural lives than me and it seems nice enough.

It’s actually better for the environment as a whole to crowd people into smaller spaces rather than have them spread out in the suburbs. It means more land can be left untouched/made into farmland rather than just being someone’s backyard. But yeah, not always pleasant for the people crowded together.


None of these articles really argue my point though. The first says that dogs were the ones who basically domesticated themselves by certain wolves being extra friendly, rather than us domesticating them intentionally. The second says that we do have some genomes in common, but due to a shared environment and shared

That’s not really true though. Dogs did evolve alongside us and wouldn’t be here without us. But we evolved a lot earlier then them and would totally still be here without them. Tens of thousands of years earlier, so we were pretty set in this particular stage of evolution before they came along. They evolved to fit

Ah, got it. My apologies to Miss Mexico then. Though she’s probably off partying and having a great time in Vegas, lol.

Wow, Miss Mexico’s a bitch for posting that. Colombia held it together for the cameras, let her break down in private.

Hey, now, there’s plenty worse states than Florida. We are sunny and have great parties and can handle hurricanes better than ANY of the other states, who curl into a fetal position if even a tropical storm heads their way. And we went Obama both times, have great Cuban food, and aren’t Alabama (sorry, Alabama, it had

That picture screams sleazy grandpa.

If biology didn’t matter, then why do so many adopted kids search out their biological birth parents? Why do so many children created through sperm donation seek out the doner? These kids are often intensely curious about the biology, and often want to know why they weren’t wanted/kept by their biological parents.

Hopefully it’s just a kinja thing. I saw the original thread and thought it was ridiculous that a writer here was being unprofessional enough to scold you about your opinion (as an Asian woman no less) on a percieved Asian slur. Like, she was yelling at you about telling people what to feel as she told you what to

Wow she sounds weird here. High or just MIA somehow. Not how I think of her now.

Since they’ve been with him (past 6 months) their grades have tanked and the school has called CPS on him. He hasn’t complied with therapists and has (in paperwork that is open to the public, anyone can read it) requested through his lawyer that the oldest son get sent to a wilderness camp thing to get him to comply

I’m thoroughly anti-judge, but I don’t know that this was ever in any way proven. I got the impression that it was more that she was so pro-dad that it came off like they MUST have had a past, not like there was any evidence they actually ever did.

Yeah, totally. I don’t think that particular request has been approved yet (thank god) but how can it even be something you ask for? It’s nuts. I feel so bad for these kids. And even the oldest is years away from 18.

I mean, for all I know she’s a difficult person who does trash talk the dad. But even if all that is true, she still apparently took good care of her kids and they were safe and happy with her.

Apparently the dad requested in paperwork his lawyer filed to send his oldest son to a wilderness survival camp to get him to comply, and to send his daughter to foster care for the same reason. He seems to want to split them up to try to make them more compliant. I mean, it’s pretty horrifying. It makes me terrified

Yeah. And the kids still aren’t with their mom - I’m pretty sure they haven’t been allowed to see her for months. According to papers her lawyers have filed their grades are tanking while with the dad, and they still just want to go home. Their dad’s lawyer even filed paperwork requesting that they send the oldest kid

Wow, yeah, if you’re a size 0 you must be anorexic. Scientific fact, right? In reality, your whole comment is incredibly ignorant. If you’re not particularly tall or if you have a naturally thin build, size 0 says nothing about your eating habits. I was a size 0 in college and ate like a football player.

Agree. I just can’t with the sobbing in trials. Even if you’re straight up innocent (which he isn’t) you should be able to pull yourself together a little bit better than that. Maybe it’s my inner puritan but it just comes off as unseemly. And though I know his lawyers used disgusting victim-blaming defense