
Yes, but if the women have passed all the same physical requirement and other tests, there’s no reason having them there should in any way hinder the men. If people are focused on doing their job I don’t see why them having an innie or an outie should matter one way or the other. I mean, women aren’t bitching that the

That would be lovely, but I’m not holding my breath. As usual it will be up to the first batch of women to basically forge a path for the rest of us, probably with only minimal help and support. I hope I’m just being cynical but...

It’s horrifying, but when regular jobs integrated there was probably about the same level of dissaproval. Our grandmothers had to deal with a lot for us to have even the low level passive sexism we deal with today.

Even his lawyers seem over him in that video.

Let’s go back to the basics, because I think both our positions are pretty simple. Mine is that the biological parents always get precedence, unless they willingly gave up the child or unless they are proven unfit. It shouldn’t be a competition between who is more fit, it should default to the biological parents

1) Right, but it wasn’t the fault of the parents that the embryo was given to the wrong couple. That is fully on the doctors. They did not knowingly or willingly give that embryo up. It was just an embryo, but it became a child with their DNA and that counts for something (a lot, I think).

Maybe the clinic (since it was really their fuck up?) has to pay for unlimited rounds of IVF for her until she gets the wanted and wished for child of her own? Including if she decides to use another clinic, since they clearly haven’t proven competence. And they also pay for all the medical costs/lost work associated

Jesus, good, I hope she won a bunch of money. How totally heartbreaking to think you’re finally having a wanted and wished for child, only to have it snatched away at birth. That’s basically the definition of becoming an unwilling incubator. That doctor should have his license pulled. Do no harm indeed.

I disagree on this one. If the biological parents’ embryo was implanted in her against their will, then it is their child morally (and probably legally). They didn’t give a child up for adoption, nor did they donate the embryos. Knowing you have a biological child out there being raised by someone else despite never

And I can’t imagine it’s particularly good for anyone’s metabolism, ironically. Depriving your body of calories this way probably goes a long way towards having your body go into famine mode and cling to any calorie it can get ahold of.

Yeah. I tend to mind my own business about it but when a friend tells me they’re doing a ‘cleanse’ I have to work at biting my tongue about how unhealthy I actually think most cleanses are. I’m not always happy with how my body looks either, but I don’t think avoiding solid foods for a week is going to make it

I’m getting a Linda Evangelista vibe off of this photo. Butt aside. Her face looks more interesting than usual, and if it wasn’t for how gratuitous it was I’d like the photos.

Yeah, family is tough. I was going to stay home this Christmas and my family guilted me into buying a ticket I can’t really afford. I love them though. And I’m glad they want me around. I just wish air travel was cheaper in this country.

Oh sure. I’m just saying that I don’t think it has impacted my actual life much to get maybe one Christmas ticket home every two years or so. If I didn’t get those, I just wouldn’t go home most likely.

Yeah, this is the only one my parents (occasionally) do, mainly because they have miles they can cash for free tickets. When they don’t I either stay home or pay myself. I don’t feel too bad since they guilt me into visiting 2 or 3 times a year, and most of those tickets I buy myself. I never really thought of it as

I do see the difference. And I support the second one. I just don’t like the way we all blindly come down on ‘appropriators’ because I think it has a serious chilling effect. I mean, look at this yoga class as an example.

The article you linked says, “A deeper understanding of cultural appropriation also refers to a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group.”

Of course judging you for wearing something in a different way than I would judge someone white would be completely wrong. In fact, judging someone for what they’re wearing in general is wrong(I mean, within reason - I judged Lady Gaga’s meat costume like crazy). I would say that goes without saying, but maybe to some

Thank you. I hate hate hate this idea that enjoying food/objects/etc from another culture is now somehow racist. As if the idea of keeping AWAY from all those things isn’t way more racist. Keeping European culture pure, ammirite? So stupid. That may not be the stated goal, but it’s certainly the result. Those on the

I did the test but am torn on the results. They don’t seem accurate to me. I KNOW for a fact that for many, many generations one entire side of my family is from Italy. Everyone was born there, we’ve got records, it’s a fact. And even if there was a little adultery here or there (because who really knows?) most of