
This is not a simple argument.

Still projecting.  Sad!

I don’t troll. You’re obviously projecting.

Cops are a necessary evil. We need them. Every nation in the world has them.

Surely, if you’ve been skiing as long as I have, (I’m in my late 40s) you’ve seen that the mountains have changed. Moguls used to be tight. Now they are big and lazy. It’s just easier to ski moguls since the snowboards arrived.

Trump’s lawsuits were not newsworthy. That’s why you and I don’t know much about them. The only reason anyone knows anything about any of them is because people dredged up the details to make fun of Trump.

It’s fun to make fun of famous people. I don’t see a reason to make fun of this person’s desperate attempt to profit from this slight. Thus it’s not newsworthy.

Why? My point is stupid frivolous lawsuits are NOT newsworthy. Trumps famous so him suing someone for 8 hash brown nuggets he already got a refund for would be hilarious but this guy?  It’s not funny.  It’s dumb. 

Prison rape only benefits rapists.

This is a federal lawsuit. And it’s made national news. Already an exponential amount of time and money has been wasted on this.

Sure. We’ve all had bad service. Some of us complain, some of us leave a bad review on Yelp or something. Most of us respond with our wallets and simply go somewhere else.

Who’s going to drive the kids to basketball practice?!?

OK, but an Epic store exclusive is not really an exclusive. Not in the sense of Nintendo games being exclusive to Nintendo hardware.

Especially where the entire incident and the hours leading up to it are professionally filmed. She would know whether she appeared intoxicated, despite having no memory of it, because she’s likely seen much of it on video.

Maybe they don’t want to say anything because there’s potential backlash for pointing out the obvious.

I’m just glad they didn’t call it Gear5.  That took restraint.

The Holocaust could NEVER happen here. Not until we are sent back to the stone age by a meteor or something. The Nazis carried out the Holocaust in secret. You can’t do that anymore. The fact that you seem to think it could is, honestly, kind of scary.

In the quote you embedded, I fail to see how I said you said anything at all.

Here’s what I don’t get. As more and more families opt out of vaccinating their kids, aren’t those same kids still developing autism and all the other conditions anti-vaccers blame on vaccines at the same rate as everyone else’s kids?

I didn’t say you said that speech was violence. I honestly don’t know what you are saying.